Table of Contents

Getting Started
Setting Up Veeva CRM
Understanding Field Names, Labels, and Types Standard Fields
Veeva CRM Standard Fields
Veeva CRM Marker Fields
Custom Fields
Setting up a CRM Sandbox Org
Configurable Lookup Filters and Layouts
Data Loading in CRM
Veeva Messages
Managing the Veeva CRM Cache
Process Scheduler
Personal Data and Data Privacy
Veeva Custom Settings
Section Signals
Administrative Do's and Don'ts
Security in Veeva CRM
Authentication Overview
Delegated Authentication in CRM for iPad
Delegated Authentication for Veeva CRM via MDM
OAuth 2.0 Authentication for Veeva CRM
Enabling OAuth 2.0 Authentication for Veeva CRM Online
Deploying Veeva CRM on iOS with OAuth 2.0 Support (MDM/MAM)
Touch ID and Face ID Authentication
Mobile Device Setup
Using Autosync
Non-Blocking Sync
Using Incremental Sync
Using the Sync Widget
Managing Sync Settings
Performing a Database Refresh
Using VMobile Object Configurations
Tracking Sync Activity
Handling Sync Errors
CRM for iOS
Installing CRM via the App Store
Managing Veeva CRM Installations with Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Signing In with MFA and Custom Domain
Signing into the iOS Application
Using the Embedded Web Browser
Using the Go Online Button
Saving Passwords to iOS Keychain
Managing Push Notifications
Generating Push Notification Certificates
CRM Mobile Application Home Page
Managing Tab Visibility and Display Order
Uploading Documents, Attachments, and Salesforce Files
Managing Documents and Attachments Offline
Offline Validation Rules
Displaying Time Zones
Syncing Metadata Between Vault and CRM
Child Accounts in Veeva CRM
User Interface Enhancements
Sunrise Bar
Secondary Navigation Bar
Page Level Notifications
Updating Veeva CRM on Windows Desktop
Supported Salesforce Functionality
Using Salesforce Files in Veeva CRM with Lightning
Attaching Salesforce Files on Mobile Devices
Lightning Business Apps
Lightning for Medical Inquiry
Salesforce Help Guide
SFDC Shield
SFDC My Domain
SFDC Settings
Core CRM
Core Accounts
Initial Configuration
Accounts Users and Roles
Accounts Components
Configuring Accounts
Default Functionality
Record Types in Accounts
Disabling the Create Button for Accounts
Displaying the Primary Parent with a Business or Person Account's Name
Working with Territory Fields
Viewing the Account Timeline
Account Overview Panels
Searching for Accounts
Improved Account Picker
Improved Account Picker for Call Attendees
Using the Account Details Screen
Referencing Office Best Times for Accounts
Global Account Browse
Using Addresses in Accounts
Working with Child Accounts
Displaying Account Maps
Account Deep Linking
Displaying the Multichannel Calendar
Veeva ID
Advanced Functionality
Stamping Country Information for Account and User
Formatting HCP Display Names
Displaying Additional Sphere of Influence Fields
Displaying an Affiliation Count in Sphere of Influence
Using Bookmarks for Account Filters in Sphere of Influence
Dynamic Attributes for Accounts
Merging Duplicate Account or Contact-Related Records
Retaining GPS Coordinates When Modifying an Address
Geocoding Missing Address Coordinates
Enabling Address Inheritance Support
Adding the Business Professional Entity Record Type
Global Account Search
Redirecting the New Account Button to Global Account Search
Decoupled DCR Support for the GAS New Account Button
Decoupled Unverified Records
Customized Columns and Preview Pane
Decoupled Data Change Requests
Displaying the Formulary Matrix
Prescriber Level Formulary
Stakeholder Navigator
Managing Affiliations in Stakeholder Navigator
Customizing Account Fields in Stakeholder Navigator
Cross-Hierarchy Affiliations in Stakeholder Navigator
Displaying Child Accounts for an Account Hierarchy
Viewing Multichannel Activities on the Account Timeline
Displaying Calls Related Lists for Accounts
Enabling MyInsights Custom Account Visualizations
Integrating Veeva Link with a MyInsights Account Page
Displaying Aggregate Spend Icons
Veeva CRM Campaigns
Patient Journey
Customer Journey Data Model
Account Wizards
Default Functionality
New Account Wizard
Parent Account Wizard
New Record Type Wizard
Duplicate Record Checking in Account Wizards
Auto-Creating Affiliations in Account Wizards
Advanced Functionality
Previewing an Account During Creation
Account Hierarchy in Account Wizards
Using Custom Account Record Types with the New Record Type Wizard
Capturing State License Information in Account Wizards
My Accounts
Default Functionality
Creating Accounts and Related Data
Using the Account Details Screen
Account Lists and Views
Visibility of Accounts and Territories
Scheduling a Call in My Accounts
Sticky Sort Order for My Accounts
Account Filter Recall
Regional Manager Governors in My Accounts
My Accounts Alphabar on iPad
Lightning for My Accounts
Child Accounts in Lightning for My Accounts
Advanced Functionality
Managing Dynamic Attributes in My Accounts
Displaying the Engage Profile Indicator on Accounts
Configuring the My Accounts Display
Moving Between Account Lists and Account Views
Identifying Accounts with Account Identifier or Account Name Expansion
Account Planning and Execution
Default Functionality
Account Plans
Advanced Functionality
Account Plan Sharing
Account Plan Notes
Apply Product Plan Button
Calculating Account Plan Progress Using the Account Plan Hierarchy
Supporting Custom Objects in the Account Plan Hierarchy
Managing Call Objectives in Plan Tactics
Product Plans
Product Tactics and Strategies
Using the Apply Product Plan Function
Account Hierarchy Overlay
Account Plan Sharing Using the Account Plan Hierarchy
Account Plan Deep Cloning
Account-Based Selling
Account Tactics
Plan Tactics
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account Plan Page
Using Action Items for KAMs
Working with Multiple SWOT and Goal Records
Exporting Account Plans to PowerPoint
Timeline View
Default Functionality
Using the Timeline View
Advanced Functionality
Setting the Timeline as the Default View for an Account
Default Account Profile
Timeline FiItering
Multichannel Activities on the Account Timeline
Using Thumbnails in the Timeline View
Displaying the Suggestion Insights Overview Panel
Reviewing Sent Emails in the Account Timeline
Preventing Email Activity from Displaying on the Timeline
Creating Medical Inquiries from the Account Profile View
Clinical Trial and Publication Details on the Account Timeline
Initial Configuration
Suggestions Users and Roles
Suggestions Components
Suggestions Initial Configuration
Default Functionality
Home Page Tile
Account Profile Panels
Scheduling a Call from a Suggestion
Sending an Email from a Suggestion
Assigning a Call Objective to a Suggestion
Score and Sort Order
Assigning a Suggestion as an Insight
Expiration Dates for Suggestions
Displaying the Feedback Dialog
Advanced Functionality
Associating a Driver with a Suggestion
Suggestion Surveys
Dismissing a Suggestion
Marking a Suggestion as Complete
Suggestions Preferences
Territory Management
Components of Territory Management
Territory Management Best Practices
Aligning Accounts to Territories
Zip-to-Terr Alignment
Brick-based Alignments
Using the Account Territory Loader
Testing and Implementing Alignments
Removing Accounts from Territories
Aligning Territories via External Systems
Tracking Manual Territory Alignment History
Sphere of Influence
Managing Account Hierarchies
Accounts Platforms
Initial Configuration for Product Catalog
Users and Roles for Product Catalog
Product Catalog Components
Configuring the Product Catalog
Default Functionality for the Product Catalog
Creating Products in the Product Catalog
Using the My Setup Page
Aligning Promotional Items and BRCs by User
Customizing Product Sort Order
Advanced Functionality for Products
Using the Product Identifier to Search
Using Detail Groups and Detail Topics
Using Product Groups for Order Management
Using Product Groups for Inventory Monitoring
Grouping Products to Support Indication-, Molecule-, and Species-Based Sales Orgs
Product Metrics for Account Profiles
Creating Product-Specific Metric Configurations
Using Product Metrics with Detail Groups and Detail Topics
Product Metrics for Child Accounts
Products Platforms
Call Planning
Initial Configuration for Call Planning
Users and Roles in Call Planning
Components of Call Planning
Configuring Call Planning
Lightning for My Schedule
Default Functionality for Call Planning
Scheduling Calls and Activities
Viewing and Searching Accounts in My Schedule
Filtering Accounts in My Schedule
Viewing Account Identifiers and Addresses in My Schedule
Scheduling Calls
Scheduling Calls in Agenda or Day View
Scheduling Calls in Week View
Scheduling Calls in Scheduler View
Scheduling Calls in Month View
Referencing Office Best Times for Accounts
Scheduling Calls with Office Best Times
Creating Calendar Entries in My Schedule
Managing Scheduled Calls and Activities
Managing Calls and Calendar Entries in My Schedule
Managing Calls and Activities in Agenda or Day View
Managing Calls and Activities in Week View
Managing Calls in Scheduler View
Managing Calls and Activities in Month View
Managing Calls in the Salesforce Calendar
Color Coding Planned Calls in My Schedule
Viewing Users' Calendars with Manager View
Sending Addresses to Maps
Advanced Functionality for Call Planning
Scheduling Calls and Activities
Using the Business Calendar
Creating Custom My Schedule Filters
MCCP Filtering in My Schedule
Bookmarking Filters in My Schedule
Setting Bookmarks in Classic Cycle Plans
Viewing Custom Information with Display-By
Displaying Account Hierarchies in My Schedule
Enabling My Schedule Map View
Managing Call Cycles
Managing Call Cycles for Child Accounts
Displaying Office Best Times for Child Accounts
Displaying Call Conflict Warnings
Creating Unavailable Time Slots in My Schedule
Creating Time Off Territory in My Schedule
Creating Unavailable Time Slots from Time Off Territory
Preventing Duplicate Time Off Territory Entries
Including Weekend Days in Time Off Territory
Displaying Warnings for Weekend Time Off Territory
Managing Scheduled Calls and Activities
Enabling Call Booking Support
Sharing Calendars
Viewing External Calendars in My Schedule
Viewing Apple Calendars in My Schedule
Associating Saved CLM Activity with Accounts in My Schedule
Displaying Events in My Schedule
Displaying Events in My Schedule for Event Team Members
Viewing Attendee Count and Details in My Schedule
Call Planning Platforms
Call Reporting
Initial Configuration
Components of Call Reporting
Configuring Call Reporting
Default Functionality
Scheduling and Planning a Call
Call Report Entry Points
Call Categories
Executing a Call
Populating the Call Header
Selecting a Call Channel
Selecting a Call Address
Adding a New Address
Selecting a Territory
Selecting a Call Datetime
Capturing Call Activities
Adding Call Attendees
Detailing Products on the Call Report
Capturing Product Discussions on the Call Report
Using Key Messages on the Call Report
Adding Post Call Information
Recording Expenses on the Call Report
Attaching Files to a Call Report
Using the More Actions Button
Saving a Call Report
Submitting a Call
Submitting a Call Report
Unlocking Submitted Calls
Advanced Functionality
Scheduling and Planning a Call
Additional Call Entry Points
Viewing Custom Fields in the Cycle Plan Target Popup
Displaying Product Priority
Executing a Call
Populating the Call Header
Standard Metrics Call Channel
Selecting a Call Channel
Auto-Populating the Call Channel
Restricting Call Channels
Selecting the Call Report Record Type
Selecting the Call Location
Capturing GPS Coordinates on the Call Report
Requiring Users to Select a Call Address
Call Address Dependency
Maintaining Separate Call and Signature Datetimes
Capturing the Call Date Only
Capturing Call Activities
High Performance Call Report
Call Reporting with Child Accounts
Call Reporting with Events
Stamping Suggestion Title and Reason on the Call Report
Displaying MyInsights Content on the Call Report
Displaying Additional Information on the Call Report
Using Action Items on the Call Report
Capturing Unique Information for Group Call Attendees
Displaying Cycle Plan Products on the Call Report
Customizing Product Discussions on the Call Report
Deselecting CLM Product Details on the Call Report
Requiring Medical Discussions on the Call Report
Customizing Key Messages
Targeting Key Messages to Accounts
Capturing Signatures on the Call Report
Capturing Electronic Signatures for Sampling
Capturing Signatures for Calls Without Samples
Swapping the Signee
Stamping the Signature Location on the Call Report
Viewing Captured Signatures
Customizing the Signature Page
Modifying the Signature Disclaimer
Displaying Country-Specific Disclaimers
Displaying HCP Information on the Signature Page
Displaying a Marketing Banner
Viewing Survey Targets on the Call Report
Using Pre-Call Notes and Next Call Notes
Adding Post Call Information
Recording Call Expenses in Multiple Currencies
Attaching Expense Receipts for Call Reporting with SAP Concur
Creating Follow-up Activities on the Call Report
Restricting Calls and Products
Restricting Calls by Account
Restricting Calls by Account Record Type
Restricting Products by Account
Displaying Product Restrictions on the Account Overview Page
Defining Allowed Products
Displaying Allowed Products on the Account Overview Page
Submitting a Call
Limiting Call Backdating
Limiting Past Call Submission
Hiding the Submit Button Online
Deleting or Archiving Calls
Call Reporting Platforms
Call Sampling
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Call Sampling
Components of Call Sampling
Configuring Call Sampling
Configuring Products for Call Sampling
Configuring Sample Requests (BRCs) for Users
Default Functionality
Recording Sample Disbursements
Selecting Products
Selecting Sample Recipients on Group Calls
Creating Sample Requests/BRCs
Saving a Call with Samples
Capturing Signatures for Sampling
Capturing Electronic Signatures for Sampling
Capturing Remote Signatures for Sampling Using Share Link
Paper-Based Sampling
Validating Samples on Signature Capture
Submitting a Call with Samples
Submitting a Call with Samples
Canceling Sample Requests/BRCs
Advanced Functionality
Recording Sample Disbursements
Using Barcodes to Record Call Samples
Adding Multiple Products to the Call Report
Sampling with Specific Regulatory Requirements
Controlled Substance Sampling
Enabling Controlled Substance Sampling
Capturing and Validating CDS License Information
Restricting Sampling by Account Credentials and State
Restricting Controlled Substance Delivery by State
Removing ASSMCA License Validation
Sampling with Mid-level Practitioners
Sampling without License Restrictions
Sampling Non-PDMA Regulated Products
Cold Chain Sampling
Supporting State Distributor License Validation
Displaying the State Distributor License Status Indicator
Selecting an Address for State Distributor License Validation
Viewing Sample Limits on the Call Report
Displaying Sample Warning Indicators
Preventing Negative Sample Inventory
Shipping Sample Requests/BRCs
Shipping Sample Requests (BRCs) to Business Locations
Restricting Sample Send Addresses
Capturing Acknowledgement of Content
Customizing Call Sampling with Section Signals
Capturing Custom Text
Capturing Signatures for Sampling
Capturing a Signature for Sample Opt-In
Capturing Remote Signatures for Sampling in Engage Meeting
Submitting a Call with Samples
Creating Sample Transactions on Save vs. Submit
Creating Sample Transactions on Sign Save
Creating Sample Transactions on Save
Generating Printable Sample Receipts
Call Sampling Platforms
Call Objectives
Using Call Objectives
Call Objective Types
Recording Calls from a Call Objective
Display Order for Call Objectives
Displaying Call Objective Messages
Prerequisite Call Objectives
Business Events
Call Objectives Platforms
Sample Management
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Sample Management
Components of Sample Management
Configuring Sample Management
Default Functionality
Managing Sample-Related Data
Creating Records for Sample Management
Managing Picklist and Field Values for Sampling
Managing HCP License Information
Recording Sample Transactions
Transferring Sample Lots To Users
Confirming Product Receipt
Transferring Products
Creating Product Adjustments
Disbursing Products with Call Sampling
Returning Products
Managing Sample Inventory
Capturing Inventories
Capturing Inventories for Other Users
Activating and Deactivating Sample Lots
Requesting Sample Lots
Supporting Sample Audits
Maintaining Sample Data Integrity
Unlocking Submitted Sample Transaction and Inventory Records
Advanced Functionality
Managing Sample-Related Data
Managing Non-Sample Products
Grouping Sample Products
Recording Sample Transactions
Grouping Sample Receipts
Requiring Users to Manually Confirm Sample Quantities
Multi-Line Transactions
Capturing Custom Text
Supporting State Distributor License Validation
Displaying the State Distributor License Status Indicator
Selecting an Address for State Distributor License Validation
Cold Chain Sampling
Capturing Acknowledgement of Content
Printing Acknowledgement of Content Receipts
Generating Package Labels for Sample Transfers and Returns
Managing Sample Inventory
Inventory Ordering
Displaying the Negative Sample Warning Indicator
Printing Inventory Worksheets
Restricting Sampling
Requiring Sample Opt-In
Capturing Remote Signatures for Sample Opt-In
Creating Sample and Product Limits
Using Sample Limit Templates
Viewing Sample Limits on the Call Report
Supporting Sample Audits
Enabling Sample Audits
Sample Management Platforms
Approved Notes
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Approved Notes
Components of Approved Notes
Configuring Approved Notes
Default Functionality
Creating Monitoring Rules
Creating Monitored Phrases
Using Monitored Text to Review Approved Notes Violations
Reviewing Approved Notes Monitoring Results
Using the Job History Table in Approved Notes
Advanced Functionality
Creating Country-Specific Approved Notes Rules
Using Product-Specific Monitoring Rules
Approved Notes Platforms
Order Management
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Order Management
Components of Order Management
Configuring Order Management
Default Functionality
Managing List Price Rules
Creating Orders
Mass Add Products for Offline Orders
Mass Entry Mode for Online Orders
Cloning Orders
Creating Orders from a CLM Presentation
Changing Order Line Column Widths
Advanced Functionality
Pricing Guide
Price Books
Linking Price Books to Wholesalers
Selecting Wholesaler Best Pricing/List Price
Best Price Logic
Final Net Price
Suggested Retail Price
Product Bundling for Pricing-bound Product Group Level Discounts
Product Kits
Bundle Packs
Enhanced Bundle Packs
Cross-Product Rebates
Discounting Orders Based on Inventory Monitoring
Brand and Product Group Discount Override Support
Pricing Rules
Brand Level Pricing Rules
Delivery Discount Pricing Rules
Delivery Period Rules
Discount Rules
Free Goods Rules
Percentage of Free Goods Rules
Limit Rules
Managing List Price Rules
Product Group Level Rules
Payment Terms Rules
Associating Pricing Rules to Accounts and Account Groups
Combining Pricing Rules
Pricing Rules with Product Kits
Chain Pricing Rules
Upselling Suggestions in Pricing Rules
Order Entry
Single Line Order Entry
Direct Quantity Order Entry
Creating Orders from High Performance Call Report
Saving Valid Lines with Mass Add Products
Order Line Delivery Splitting
Order Delivery Date Splitting
Manual Allocation of Free Goods
Multiple Recipients for Fulfillment Orders
Payers and Delivery Location
Custom Sort of Product Lists
Fixed Units of Measure on Order Lines
Order Assortments
Order Signature Capture
Printable Orders
Defaulting an Account Partner
Custom Product and Order Information
Order Rounding Modes
Order Campaign Support
Product Thumbnails
Order Management Product Views
Adding Recommended Order Quantities
Product-Bound Order Assortments
Transfer Orders
Selecting Wholesaler Priority
Using Mass Add Products with CLM
Navigation for Orders with CLM
Enforcing Order Review Using MyInsights
Viewing Inventory Monitoring Information in an Order
Order Pull-In Fields
Order Management Approvals
Payment Terms
Payment Terms per Delivery
Unlocking Orders
Order Soft Delete
Review and Analyze
Enforcing Order Review Using MyInsights
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Product Group Subtotals Page
Veeva CRM APIs
Order Management Platforms
Inventory Monitoring
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Inventory Monitoring
Inventory Monitoring Components
Configuring Inventory Monitoring
Default Functionality
Contract Products Mass Add Mode
Offline Mass Add Mode
Continuous Inventory Monitoring
Using the Inventory Monitoring History Tab
Advanced Functionality
Capture and Attach Photos for Inventory Monitoring
Inventory Monitoring Assortments
Linking Inventory Monitoring with Call Objectives
Inventory Monitoring Types Per Account
Photo Tagging for Inventory Monitoring
Using Planograms to Monitor Inventory
Inventory Monitoring Platforms
Contract Architecture
Contract Lifecycle
Contract Components
Configuring Contracts
Contract Templates
Creating Contracts from Call Objectives
Defining Valid Time Frames on Contract Lines
Capturing and Displaying Signatures on Contract Partner Records
Contract Batch Process
Contracts Platforms
Cycle Plans
Classic Cycle Plans
Initial Configuration for Classic Cycle Plans
Users and Roles in Classic Cycle Plans
Components of Classic Cycle Plans
Configuring Classic Cycle Plans
Default Functionality for Classic Cycle Plans
Data Loading a Classic Cycle Plan
Manually Creating a Classic Cycle Plan
Adding an Account List to a Cycle Plan
Displaying the Remaining Call Count for a Classic Cycle Plan
Monitoring Classic Cycle Plan Progress
Using Classic Cycle Plans in My Schedule
Advanced Configuration for Classic Cycle Plans
Creating Account-Level Cycle Plans
Setting Bookmarks in Classic Cycle Plans
Activating Cycle Plan Batch Processes
Excluding Products from a Classic Cycle Plan
Real-Time Calculations for Classic Cycle Plans
Customizing Heading Labels for Cycle Plan Targets
Customizing Fields for Classic Cycle Plan Targets
Multichannel Cycle Plans
Initial Configuration for MCCP
Multichannel Cycle Plans Users and Roles
Components of Multichannel Cycle Plans
Configuring Multichannel Cycle Plans
Default Functionality for MCCP
Data Loading a Multichannel Cycle Plan
Manually Creating a Multichannel Cycle Plan
Using the Multichannel Cycle Plan Admin Console
Working with the MCCP Interface
Calculating Over Reached and Under Reached Thresholds for Cycles
Working with MCCP Status Fields
Navigating to Target Detail from My Plans
Supporting Detail Groups
Scheduling Calls for MCCP Targets
Detailing Priority on the MCCP Target
Displaying the Last Activity Date for Each Channel and Product
Indicating MCCP Goals by Priority in a Single Call Channel
Setting MCCP Goals for a Detail Group
Locking Multichannel Cycle Plans
Merging Accounts with MCCP Records
Advanced Configuration for MCCP
Capping Activity and Targets
Supporting MCCP Child Accounts
MCCP Filtering by Product-Specific Metrics
Editing MCCP Goals
Adding Team-Based Goals
Supporting Pull-In Fields for MCCP
Classic Cycle Plans Platforms
MCCP Platforms
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Surveys
Components of Surveys
Configuring Surveys
Default Functionality
Creating a Survey
Data Loading Surveys
Creating Survey Questions
Creating Questions for Individual Surveys
Using the Question Bank
Using Branching Survey Questions
Adding Segments to a Survey
Adding Survey Channels
Adding Survey Targets
Adding Assignment Rules to Surveys
Selecting Territories for Surveys
Publishing a Survey
Receiving Email Notification of a Published Survey
Unlocking and Republishing a Survey
Surveys Privacy Settings
Executing a Survey
Monitoring Survey Results
Linking Survey Targets to Calls
Advanced Functionality
Increasing the Number of Survey Questions
Supporting Currency Answers in Surveys
Supporting Child Accounts in Surveys
Creating Surveys for Internal Use
Surveys in Approved Email
Viewing Survey Targets on the Call Report
Surveys Platforms
Medical Inquiries
Medical Inquiries Initial Configuration
Components of a Medical Inquiry
Medical Inquiry Lifecycle
Medical Inquiries Veeva Settings
Configuring Medical Inquiries
Default Functionality for Medical Inquiries
Creating a Medical Inquiry
Customizing the Signature Page
Configuring Signature Audit
Modifying the Account Relationship
Medical Inquiry Fulfillment
Lightning for Medical Inquiry
Medical Inquiry Files
Advanced Functionality for Medical Inquiries
Configuring the Detail Page
Configuring Multiple Product Inquiries
Configuring Print Receipts
Configuring Call Creation from a Medical Inquiry
Sending Approved Emails from a Medical Inquiry
Viewing Medical Inquiries from Vault Medical
Medical Inquiry Fulfillment Response Method
Displaying Medical Inquiry Attachments
Creating Medical Inquiries for Child Accounts
Medical Inquiry Platforms
Medical Events
Medical Events Platforms
Configuring Medical Events
Record a Call
Event Start and End Times
Event Attendees
Add Attendee Button
Add My Attendance Button
Event Attendee Signature Capture
Creating Medical Events Calendar Reminders
Child Accounts in Medical Events
Managing Attendees for Medical Events
Sending Approved Emails from Medical Events
Editing Medical Events and Attendees in Lightning
Supporting Medical Event Sharing Rules on the iPad
Coaching Reports
Coaching Reports (Classic)
Advanced Coaching Reports
Configuring Advanced Coaching Reports
Employee Commenting on Advanced Coaching Reports
Coaching Report Platforms
Veeva CRM Standard Metrics
User Type and Country
Approved Email
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles
Components of Approved Email
Configuring Approved Email
Configuring Approved Email Admins and Integration Users
Configuring Approved Email End Users
Configuring Approved Email for Offline Devices
Integrating CRM and Vault for Approved Email
Creating a Sending Domain
Viewing Approved Email License Usage
Creating and Managing Content
Creating Content
Creating Approved Email Templates
Creating Approved Email Fragments
Creating Content for Email Builder
Email Builder
Multi-Product Approved Email Content
Labeling Links in Approved Email
Embedding the Vault Viewer in Approved Email Content
Resources for Creating Approved Email Content
Approved Email Configuration Tokens
Adding Footnotes and Citations to Approved Email Content
Tracking Approved Email Activity Using Tokens
Inserting Queried Data into an Approved Email
Formatting Tokens to Display Date and Time
Personalizing User Profiles
Adding and Customizing Unsubscribe Links
Embedding the Unsubscribe Page
Unsubscribe by Content Type
Displaying Products on the Unsubscribe Page
Managing Content
Testing Staged Approved Email Content
Previewing Rendered Approved Email Content
Matching Products for Approved Email Content
Using Detail Groups in PromoMats / MedComms
Aligning Approved Email Content to Users
Aligning Approved Email and CLM Content
Defining the Language of Approved Email Content
Customizing Email Header Behavior
Filtering Approved Email Fragments
Preventing Approved Email Content from Displaying
Setting Consent at the Email Template Level
Restricted Words in Approved Email
Default Functionality
Email Tab
Saving Emails as Drafts
Rescheduling Scheduled Emails
Composing Approved Emails
Managing Approved Email Recipients
Approved Email Entry Points
Tracking Approved Email Activity
Displaying Approved Email Activity on the Timeline
Approved Email Reports and Dashboards
Classic Consent in Approved Email
Components of Classic Consent in Approved Email
Using Opt-in Signature Capture vs. Paper Consent
Capturing Approved Email Opt-In Consent
Controlling Use of the Email Opt-In Action
Favorite Email Templates and Fragments
Sending Approved Emails for Cases
Bounced Email Management
Advanced Functionality
Approved Email Receipts for Signature Transactions
Associating Business Accounts to Approved Emails
CRM Auto-Publishing for Email Fragments
One-Click Unsubscribe
Sending Approved Emails to BCC Recipients
Reviewing Approved Emails Before Sending
Tracking Multichannel Activities from Approved Emails
Using Key Messages in Approved Email Content
Publishing Method for Email Fragments
Confirming RSVPs and Activities
Recommended Emails
Unsubscribe Functionality in Approved Email
Approved Email Limits
Approved Email Platforms
WeChat in Veeva CRM
Approved WeChat
Components of Approved WeChat
Authorizing Approved WeChat in the Tencent WeChat Service Account
Setup Veeva Multichannel Consent for WeChat
WeChat Service Account Templates in Veeva CRM
Setting Up Content for Approved WeChat
Approved WeChat Dashboard
Approved WeChat Notifications
Sending Engage Invitations via Approved WeChat
Veeva Approved WeChat on WeCom
Approved WeChat on WeCom Components
WeChat on WeCom Setup
Authorizing Approved WeChat in the Tencent WeChat Service Account
Salesforce and CRM Setup
Using Content Tags
Sharing External Content
WeChat CRM
Using Account Lists and Views in WeChat CRM
Displaying the WeChat Avatar and Nickname in Account Views
Using Suggestions in WeChat CRM
Receiving WeChat Notifications for Suggestions
Data Change Requests
Product Metrics
Call Planning
Call Reporting
Capturing GPS Coordinates on the Call Report
Attaching Photos to the Call Report
Classic Cycle Plans
Coaching Reports
Medical Inquiries
Medical Events
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles
Components of CLM
Configuring CLM
Configuring CLM Users
Integrating CRM and Vault for CLM
Using Vault's Auto-Publishing for CLM
Using the CLM Admin Console
Using the China CDN for Multichannel Content
Managing Field Mappings Between Vault and CRM
Using Document States
Managing CLM Syncs
Creating and Managing Content
Creating CLM Content
Supporting Multi-Product CLM Presentations
Creating Dynamic Content
Verifying CLM Configuration
Testing CLM Content
Creating HTML Content
Launching Third-Party Applications from CLM
Launching Veeva CRM from Third-Party Applications
Displaying Dynamic Content
Customizing Slide Navigation
Tracking User Activity Using JavaScript
Creating and Updating Records from CLM
Creating Interactive HTML Content
Stamping Media Type and Publishing Method for CLM Content
Integrating Approved Email with CLM
Integrating External Data with CLM
Supporting CLM Content
Ensuring Content Compatibility Across Platforms
Packaging Custom CLM Content
Uploading CLM Content Using FTP
Using Shared Resources
Creating AR Content
Defining AR Scenes
Customizing AR Lighting
Managing CLM Content
Aligning Approved Email and CLM Content
Defining Sub-Presentation Slides
Displaying HTML Content on Large Screen Devices
Using Hidden Presentations
Cloning Presentations
Migrating Presentations
Default Functionality
Navigating the Media Library
Managing Favorite Presentations
Labeling Presentations
Using Presentation Attributes to Filter Presentations
Grouping Presentations in the Media Library
Using Directories in the Media Library
Searching the Media Library
Using Custom Presentations
Displaying Presentations
Using the Media Player
Navigating Slides and Presentations
Using the Action Menu
Creating Calls from the Media Player
Using the Highlighter Pen and Laser Pointer
Capturing Reactions to Presentations
Displaying CLM Content on Mobile Devices
Displaying CLM Content in Veeva CRM on Desktop
Displaying PDFs in CLM
Displaying CLM Content from Calls
Displaying PowerPoint Presentations in CLM
Analyzing CLM Activity
Tracking CLM Call Clickstream Activity
Tracking CLM Key Messages
Displaying CLM Reports
Advanced Functionality
Navigating the Media Library
Launching the CLM Media Library from the Call Report Online
Using Advanced Text Search in the Media Library
Managing Directories
Using Default Directories
Managing Training Presentations
Using Training Presentations
Adding Watermarks to Training Presentations
Generating and Sending Dynamic Content
Displaying Website Content in the Media Library
Managing the Media Player
Fading Out CLM Content
Defining Swipe Sensitivity for Slide Navigation
Enabling Automatic Video Playback
Returning to CLM after Capturing Sample Signatures
Disabling User Actions
Disabling Standard Navigation
Disabling Touch Gestures
Disabling Rotation Lock
Viewing Slide Notes in Presentations
Locking CLM Content Size
Troubleshooting Presentations
Downloading Media Files
Retiring Expired Presentations
Tracking CLM Activity
Tracking CLM Activity Anonymously
Capturing Consent for CLM Tracking
Associating Accounts with Tracked CLM Activity
Integrating Other Functionality with CLM
Executing Surveys from CLM
Using Augmented Reality in CLM
Supported CLM Functionality on Veeva CRM on Desktop
Displaying CLM Content in Veeva CRM on Desktop
Using Advanced Text Search in the Media Library
Assembling Custom Presentations in Veeva CRM on Desktop
Tracking CLM Preview Activity on Veeva CRM on Desktop
Tracking Save for Later CLM Activity in Veeva CRM on Desktop
Associating Save for Later CLM Activity with Calls on Browser
CLM Platforms
Consent Capture
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Consent Capture
Components of Consent Capture
Configuring Consent Capture
Consent Capture on iPhone
Default Functionality
Creating Consent Headers
Creating Consent Types
Creating Custom Channels
Setting Consent Durations
Creating Consent Lines
Defining the Display Order of Consent Channels and Lines
Viewing Signatures on Multichannel Consent Records
Selecting the Preferred Language
Locking the Consent Screen
Managing Channel Values
Granting Consent
Confirming Consent Changes with Signatures and Paper Consent IDs
Advanced Functionality
Using Detail Groups on Consent Lines
Using Consent Confirmation Emails
Using Double Opt-In
Capturing Consent Using Confirmation Emails for All Channels
Requiring Signatures on Opt-Out
Displaying Opt-Out Disclaimer Text
Requiring Consent Capture for Channel Source Changes
Tracking Activity in Consent Capture
Capturing Consent for Approved Email
Sending Consent Capture Receipts with Approved Email
Using CLM with Consent Capture
Consent Capture Platforms
Sending Meeting Requests with Approved Email
Integrated Scheduling: Accepting and Declining Meeting Requests in My Schedule
Integrating My Schedule and Microsoft Outlook Calendars
Viewing Unavailable Time Slots on the Engage Scheduling Site
Creating Unavailable Time Slots from Calls
Creating Unavailable Time Slots from Time Off Territory
Creating Unavailable Time Slots from External Calendar Events
Booking Agents
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles
Configuring Engage Meeting
Configuring CLM for Engage Meetings on Veeva CRM on Desktop
Group Meeting Permissions
CLM Content Creation Guidelines
Configuring Microsoft Integrations with the Microsoft Graph API Permission Set
Engage Group Management
Supporting Engage and CRM Desktop Sandbox Releases
Security in Engage
Integrating Engage Profiles into CRM
Meeting via Engage
Default Functionality
Scheduling and Starting an Engage Meeting
Remote Meeting Indicator
Hosting an Engage Meeting on the iPad
Hosting an Engage Meeting on the Veeva CRM App on Desktop
Joining an Engage Meeting as an Attendee
Gallery View on the Web Client
Using Virtual Backgrounds in Engage
Reports and Analytics for Engage
Advanced Functionality
Enabling Passwords for Engage
Sending Engage Meeting Invitations via Approved Email
CRM Users Attending an Engage Meeting
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Engage Splash Screen
Allowing an Attendee to Share a Screen
Host Screen Sharing on the iPad
Joining an Engage Meeting via Zoom
Adding Dial-in Numbers to Engage Invitations
Engage Attendance Tracking
Enhanced Engage Attendance Tracking
Rating an Engage Experience
Customizing Engage Rating Feedback with Qualtrics or Medallia
Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Scheduling and Starting Microsoft Teams Meetings
Starting Microsoft Teams Meetings from Calls in Microsoft Outlook
Attendance Reporting for Microsoft Teams Meetings
Using the HCP Content Player
Sharing CLM Content via Web Link or QR Code
Using Message Templates When Sharing Web Links
Accessing ISI and PI Documents for CLM Content in the HCP Content Player
Sharing Websites via Web Link or QR Code
Viewing Remote CLM
Capturing Remote Signatures for Sampling in Engage Meeting
Capturing Remote Signatures for Sample Opt-In
Capturing Remote Signatures for Sampling Using Share Link
Capturing Remote Signatures for Sampling with QR Codes
Capturing Remote Signatures for a Medical Inquiry in Engage Meeting
Capturing Remote Signatures for Medical Inquiry Using Share Link and QR Code
Capturing Remote Signatures Asynchronously for BRC Samples (Sign Later)
Initial Configuration
Engage Connect Users and Roles
Configuring Engage Connect
List of Engage Connect Group Settings
Data-Loading Engage Connect Groups
Creating the Company Configuration File
Testing Veeva Engage in Sandboxes
CRM User Default Functionality
Enabling Engage Chat in CRM
Signing into Engage Connect
Using the Chat Tab
Copying and Forwarding Chat Messages in Engage Connect
Using the Connections Tab
Using the Connect Tab
Using the Notifications Tab
Using the Me Tab
Sending Meeting Invites to an HCP
Editing Display Names in Engage and Engage Connect
HCP Default Functionality
Signing Up for Engage
Using the Home Tab
Using the Chat Tab as an HCP
Copying and Forwarding Chat Messages in Engage Connect
Using the Meetings Tab
Using the Me Tab as an HCP
Integrated Scheduling: Viewing Meeting Request Status in Engage
CRM User Advanced Functionality
Sending Engage Connection Invites to HCPs
Importing Engage Connect Chat Logs into CRM as Call Records
Importing Engage Connect Chat Logs into CRM as Chat Messages
Managing Digital Business Cards
Sending Meeting Requests from Engage
Reporting on Engage Connect
Engage Connect Reports
Engage Platforms
Events Management
Event Team Members
Event Tasks
Event Rule Overrides
Event Business Rules
Expense Estimate Creation Rules
Event Attendance Rules
Examples of Attendance Rules
Applying Event Attendance Rules to Event Topic Categories
Event Expense Limit Rules
Examples of Expense Limit Rules
Event Speaker Rules
Examples of Event Speaker Rules
Required Event Material Rules
Examples of Event Material Rules
Utilizing Event Format and Location Type in Event Business Rules
Event Attendee Restricted Product Rules
Reporting on Event Business Rules
Warning Text and Tokens
Event Sessions
Speaker Management
Exact Speaker Search
Speaker Portal
Custom Subdomains in the Speaker Portal
Inviting Speakers to Sign up for the Speaker Portal
Viewing Events in the Speaker Portal
Downloading Contracts from the Speaker Portal
Page Layout Organizer
Approval Flows Integration
Basic Configuration
Quick Start Guide
Events Homepage
Events Types
Defining Page Layouts
Event Layout Rules Caching
Defining Event Flows
Privacy settings
Adding Local Time and Time Zone to an Event
Country-Specific Sign-In Sheet Disclaimers
Using Event Type-Specific Disclaimers
Syncing Events Metadata with Vault
Integrating Events Management with Veeva Vault
Defining Lifecycle Stages for Events
Lightning for the Events Tab
Lightning for Events Management
Attaching Files to Event Materials and Expense Headers in Lightning for Events Management
Viewing Expense Headers and Expense Lines in Lightning for Events Management
Managing Related Lists in Lightning for Events Management
Using Events Management
Planning an Event
Creating an Event
Selecting a Record Type when Creating a Record from an Event online
Associating an Account with an Event
Using Attendee Self-Registration with Events
Using Notes in Lightning Experience
Contracting Speakers for Events
Speaker Contract Generation
Creating Speaker Agreements
Using Event Templates in Child Events
Validation and Trigger Errors Visible in the User Interface
Budgets and Expenses
Resetting Speaker Year-to-Date Caps
Defining Speaker Caps for the Next Year
Designating Speaker Caps by Product
iPad Connected and Disconnected Modes
Speaker Tab
Nominating Speakers
Managing Speaker Nomination Approvals
Search Event Attendees and Speakers by Furigana
Using the Refreshed Events Management UI (Sandbox Beta)
Managing Related Lists for Events Management
Managing Attendees in the Refreshed Events Management UI
Managing Event Speakers in the Refreshed Events Management UI
Managing Event Budgets in the Refreshed Events Management UI
Managing Event Materials in the Refreshed Events Management UI
Managing Event Attendees
Adding Attendees to an Event
Selecting Attendees in Hierarchies
Bulk-Add Attendees
Walk-in Attendees
Displaying Walk-in Fields by Attendee Type
Setting Walk-in Attendee Status
Reconciling Walk-in Attendees
Creating New Accounts from Walk-in Attendees
Mass Update for Attendees
Using Approved Email for Events Management
Sending Local Events Management Content via Approved Email
Sending Automated Approved Emails for Events Management
Event Session and Event Speaker Tokens
Creating Calendar Reminders for Invites
Child Accounts in Events Management
Searching for Child Account Attendees Outside a User’s Territory
Executing an Event
Filtering and Sorting the List of Events
Generating Print Sign-In Sheets
Using the Digital Sign-in Sheet
Signing into an Event using a QR Code
Adding QR Codes to Event Print Templates
Capturing Photos from an Event
Managing Event Materials
Post-Event Processes
Creating and Editing Expense Headers and Expense Lines
Expense Splitting
Surveys in Events Management
OpenData Integration for Attendee Reconciliation
Locked Attachments on Events
Virtual Events
Using the Data Loader to Generate Participant URLs for Virtual Events
Virtual Event Host Screen Sharing on the iPad
Using Virtual Events as a Speaker
Attendee Screen Sharing in Engage for Events
Recording a Virtual Event
Generating Virtual Participant URLs in Child Events
Tracking Virtual Event Attendance
Joining a Virtual Event via Zoom
Alternative Hosts for Virtual Events
Events Management Platforms
Fixed Reports
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in Fixed Reports
Components of Fixed Reports
Configuring Fixed Reports
Loading Sales Data into Veeva CRM
Loading Analytic Markets
Loading Product Data from Sales Data Files
Loading Data Map Templates
Updating Veeva CRM Account Fields
Loading Sales Data Files
Transferring Sales Data Files via FTP
Processing Sales Data Files Using the Analytics Admin Page
Running Error Reports for Analytics Files
Configuring JD-NET Fixed Reports
Loading Japanese Sales Data into Veeva CRM
Loading Data Map Templates for JD-NET
Updating Veeva CRM Account Fields for JD-NET
Processing JD-NET Sales Data Files
JD-NET Specific File Data Format
Default Functionality
Loading Call Activity Data for Fixed Reports
Viewing Reports in the Analytics Tab
Viewing the Account Summary Report
Viewing JD-NET Reports
Displaying Data Across Different Time Frames
Aggregating Account Level Sales Data
Saving Filters
Advanced Functionality
Disabling Fixed Reports Auto-Build
Loading Product Events
Loading Territory Adjusted Sales Data
Managing Columns for Top Accounts Reports
Managing the Time Frame Filters
Managing the Display Products Filter
Managing Report Filters
Managing Visibility to Market Data
Displaying Sales Goals and Targets in Fixed Reports
Comparing Sales Data Up the Territory Hierarchy
Viewing Fixed Reports Using the Brick Hierarchy
Fixed Reports Platforms
Medical CRM Configuration
Medical Translations
Key Medical Insights
Key Medical Insights Tab
Key Medical Insights Restricted Words
Lightning for Key Medical Insights
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Medical Page
Key Opinion Leader Profile
Setting the Default MyInsights KOL Profile
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights KOL Profile Page
Medical Discussions
Viewing Medical Data from Vault Clinical in CRM
Using the Medical Identifier Field
Medical CRM Platforms
Initial Configuration
Users and Roles in MyInsights
Components of MyInsights
Configuring MyInsights for Admins and End Users
Default Functionality
Creating MyInsights Content
Using Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Pages
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account Plan Page
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account Sales Page
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Engage Splash Screen
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Inventory Monitoring Page
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights KOL Profile Page
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Medical Page
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Product Group Subtotals Page
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Territory Insights Page
Creating a MyInsights Page for Speakers
Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Interaction Summary Page
Deep Linking in MyInsights
Requesting Location via MyInsights
Setting the Default MyInsights Account Profile
Setting the Default MyInsights KOL Profile
Setting the Default MyInsights Landing Screen for Veeva CRM
Sharing MyInsights Content
Advanced Functionality
Integrating Veeva Link with MyInsights
Integrating Veeva Link with a MyInsights Account Page
Integrating Veeva Link with a MyInsights Speaker Page
Integrating External Data with MyInsights
Inline Editing for MyInsights Content
Translating MyInsights Tab Names
Using CLM Thumbnails in MyInsights
Viewing MyInsights Content Online
Viewing MyInsights Content in Lightning
Viewing MyInsights Content on iPhone
Managing Visibility to MyInsights Content
Managing MyInsights Visibility for Accounts
Enforcing Order Review Using MyInsights
Querying CRM Sales Data Using MyInsights
Refreshing Order Pricing Using MyInsights
Migrating MyInsights Content
MyInsights Platforms
MyInsights Studio
Initial Configuration
MyInsights Studio Users and Roles
Components of MyInsights Studio
Configuring MyInsights Studio
Creating MyInsights Pages Using MyInsights Studio
Using Page Templates
Using the Commercial HCO Page Template
Using the Commercial HCP Page Template
Using the Commercial Territory Page Template
Using the Medical HCP Page Template
Using the Medical Territory Page Template
Using the MCCP Page Template
Viewing Compass Data Using MyInsights
Using the Diagnosed Patient Page Template
Using the Market Trend Page Template
Using the Compass Prescriber Data Page Template
CRM Data Engine Dictionary
Defining MyInsights Layouts
Adding Data for MyInsights Pages
Using Expressions to Perform Data Calculations
Managing MyInsights Pages
Deploying MyInsights Pages to Veeva CRM
Using Custom Display Elements
Managing Custom Pages in MyInsights Studio
MS Outlook
MS Teams
Network Integration
Network Account Search
Adding Parent HCOs to Territory when Importing an HCP or HCO
Network Hashtags in CRM
Configuring Network
Network Integration Permission Sets
Administrative Tools
DCR Configuration
Network and DCR Settings Overview
Network Mapping
Network Mapping Edit
Object Mapping View Page
Network Object Mapping
Network Field Mapping
Reference Mapping
Mapping Direction
National Identifiers in Veeva CRM and Network
MultiSelect Picklist Support
Data Change Requests
Network for Japan
Online DCR Process
iPad DCR Process
Creating Unverified Records
Data Privacy Opt Out
Configuration of DCR Controlled Fields
Indication of Pending DCR
Unlinked Records in CRM
CRM Managed Account Types
DCR Results
Editing DCRs
Editing License Information via a DCR
OnDemand License Update from OpenData
Long Notes in Data Change Requests
Supporting Multi-Country Users
Address Inheritance Support
Inactive Addresses
Territory Assignment
Network Merge
Record State Handling
Handling Inactive Network Records
Network Reports and Dashboards
State Distributor Licensing
Appendix A: Network Settings
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Integration
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Administration Console
Migrating Salesforce Marketing Cloud Configurations
Creating Enhanced Package Connections
SAP Concur Integration
Enabling SAP Concur API Version 3
Events Management Expenses
SAP Concur Integration with Events Management
Events Management Configuration for Integration
SAP Concur Configuration for Integration
CRM to SAP Concur Object Mapping
Integration SAP Concur Process Flow
SAP Concur Real-Time Administration Tab
Submitting Expenses to SAP Concur as a User
Failed Submissions to SAP Concur
Configuring SAP Concur Sync
Configuring Call Report Expense
Submitting Multiple Call Expenses to SAP Concur
Attaching Expense Receipts for Call Reporting with SAP Concur
Configuring for a Medical Event
Setting up Users
Scheduling the SAP Concur Sync
Mapping Custom Fields
Configuring Additional Features
Attendee Management/Customer Master Considerations
Veeva Link
CRM Desktop (Windows)
Device and Software Requirements for Windows
Managing Veeva CRM on Windows Desktop
Settings for CRM Desktop (Windows)
Supported Functionality on CRM Desktop (Windows)
Supported Call Report Functionality on CRM Desktop (Windows)
Supported CLM Functionality on CRM Desktop (Windows)
Supported Engage Functionality on CRM Desktop (Windows)
CRM Desktop (Mac)
Device and Software Requirements for Mac
Managing the Veeva CRM Desktop for Mac
Supported Functionality on CRM Desktop (Mac)
Supported Call Report Functionality on CRM Desktop (Mac) (Sandbox Beta)
Supported CLM Functionality on CRM Desktop (Mac)
Supported Engage Functionality on CRM Desktop (Mac)
CRM iPhone
Supported Functionality on iPhone
Supported Accounts Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported Call Reporting Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported Call Sampling Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported CLM Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported Engage Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported Medical CRM Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported Medical Inquiry Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supporting Mobile Device Setup Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported MyInsights Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported My Schedule Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supported Sample Management Functionality on CRM iPhone
Supporting Surveys Functionality on CRM iPhone
CRM Android (Beta)
Signing Into Veeva CRM for Android
Using Salesforce Files in Veeva CRM with Lightning
Attaching Salesforce Files on Mobile Devices
Viewing, Sharing, and Downloading Files Using the Files Tab
Lightning Business Apps
Lightning for Medical Inquiry
About CRM Releases
24R2 Release Notes
About 24R2.0
24R1 Release Notes
About 24R1.3
About 24R1.2
About 24R1.0
Maintenance Notes
Functionality Guide
24R1.2 Functionality Guide
24R1.0 Functionality Guide
Known Issues
Release History by Date
Past Releases
Core CRM
Accounts Video Tutorials
Products Video Tutorials
Call Reporting Video Tutorials
Call Scheduling Video Tutorials
Sample Management Video Tutorials
Approved Notes Video Tutorials
Order Management Video Tutorials
Multichannel Cycle Plans Video Tutorials
Surveys Video Tutorials
Approved Email Video Tutorials
CLM Video Tutorials
Consent Capture Video Tutorials
CRM Desktop Video Tutorials
Engage Video Tutorials
Events Management Video Tutorials
MyInsights Video Tutorials
MyInsights Studio Video Tutorials
Appendix A: Custom Settings
Appendix B: Security Matrix
Supported Languages
Supported Platforms
End of Support
Platform Functionality