Defining Allowed Products

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop ( Mac (Sandbox Beta), Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

Some customers data load planned calls. If planned calls for users are created through an automated process, the Allowed Products feature restricts the products that a user can detail or sample on a call to only those allowed. This is useful because call and product restrictions do not apply when call records are created through data load. By using the Allowed Products feature, customers can ensure that planned calls created through data load comply with restrictions on product detailing and sampling.

For example, the call report for Sarah Jones' meeting with Dr. Ackerman is created via data load. Cholecap and Labrinone are specified as allowed products for the call. When Sarah records the products detailed on the call report, she can only select from Cholecap and Labrinone. This ensures that Sarah’s call report complies with product restrictions set by organization policy or regulations.


  • If the Allowed_Products_vod field is null or blank, users can detail or sample all detail products and all Sample/Promotional products to which they have access
  • Product restrictions override allowed products—if a product is listed in both Restricted_Products_vod and Allowed_Products_vod, then it is restricted
  • Sample Lot and Promotional Item records display for any products with a Parent Product in the Allowed_Products_vod field

Defining Allowed Products by Call

In the data file to be processed, populate the Allowed_Products_vod field on the Call2_vod object with a double semicolon delimited list of the products that are allowed to be detailed or sampled. The format of the products in the field must be as follows: Product1;;Product2;;Product3. For example, Cholecap;;Curemist;;Mightymist.

When allowed products are defined by call, users will only be allowed to detail or sample the specified products on calls created from the data file.

Defining Allowed Products by Territory

To specify which products and detail topics are allowed to be detailed and sampled for an account by territory, populate the Allowed_Products_vod field on the TSF_vod object with a double semicolon delimited list of the product and detail topic names. The format of the products in the field must be as follows: Product1;;Product2;;Product3. For example, Cholecap;;Curemist;;Mightymist.

When allowed products are defined by territory, the call report will only permit the configured products and topics to be detailed on the call for accounts in that territory.