Components of Call Planning

Call Planning incorporates several different objects for displaying account information and scheduling calls and activities:

  • Account - This is the initial object for working with accounts. The Account and PersonAccount objects store all basic account information.
  • Address_vod - This object stores all account profile addresses
  • Call2_vod - This object stores all of the information for planned, saved, and submitted calls, including the account, address, territory, and date and time for each call. A record is created for each account or contact on a call.
  • Call_Cycle_Entry_vod - If users create call cycles, this object stores the information for each call in the weekly cycle—for example, account name, start time, end time, day of the week, and product priority
  • Event - This standard object stores information on general appointments in a user's calendar
  • Medical_Event_vod - If Displaying Events in My Schedule is enabled, information from this object is surfaced in My Schedule
  • Event_Attendee_vod - This is a child object of Medical_Event_vod. A record is created for each account, contact, or user invited to a Medical Event.
  • Multichannel_Activity_vod - This object stores session information for multichannel interactions. If Associating Accounts with Saved CLM Activity is enabled, unassigned presentations display in My Schedule.
  • Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod - This object stores detailed information about what occurred during an interaction—for example, key messages, slide order, and presentation duration
  • Time_Off_Territory_vod - This object stores information on time blocked off for personal reasons, for example vacation, sick days, or jury duty

If Using Classic Cycle Plans in My Schedule is enabled, Components of Classic Cycle Plans and Components of Multichannel Cycle Plans are also used to store and display Call Planning information.