Associating Accounts with Tracked CLM Activity

  • Browser
  • iPad

When users display CLM content, the CLM activity is saved even if users exit the media player without selecting an account for the activity. Users can view the tracked CLM activity and associate an account with the activity at a later time. This saves the user from having to associate a presentation with an account during a call.

To track Save for Later CLM activity in Veeva CRM on Desktop, see Tracking Save for Later CLM Activity in Veeva CRM on Desktop.

Configuring Accounts with Saved CLM Activity

Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality.

To enable this functionality:

  1. Ensure Tracking CLM Activity Anonymously is configured.
  2. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Call_vod
    • Saved_For_Later_vod


  3. Update the Multichannel_Activity_vod VMOC with the following suggested WHERE clause: WHERE (OwnerID = @@VOD_SF_USER_ID@@ AND RecordTypeId = @@VOD_RECORDTYPE_ID:Multichannel_Activity_vod__c.CLM_vod@@ AND Saved_For_Later_vod__c = true)

    Querying against a large number of records or customizing a query to return more records can cause the query to perform poorly or even to fail. In extreme cases, a large number of users running a bad query can cause SFDC to shut down the org. Review your planned VMOC in the SFDC Query Plan tool to validate its performance. Refer to SFDC's general guidelines for efficient queries for more information.

Saving Tracked CLM Activity

Save for Later displays in the action menu in the media player. This allows users to save the current CLM session for later and start a new session. Tracking Save for Later activity stamps the following information on Multichannel_Activity_vod records:

  • Media_Preview_vod = True
  • Saved_for_Later_vod = True

The Share_Channel_vod field is not stamped on Multichannel_Activity_line_vod records.

Save for Later does not display in the action menu for training presentations.

Associating Saved CLM Activity with Accounts

To view saved CLM activity and associate it with an account on the iPad platform, admins can configure multichannel activities with the CLM_vod record type to display in the Week and Agenda views of My Schedule:

  1. Enable the ENABLE_NEW_IPAD_CALENDAR_vod Veeva Setting check box.
  2. Enable one or both of the following Veeva Settings:

Saved CLM activity displays as an Unassigned Presentation in My Schedule. There are two options to associate an unassigned presentation with an account in My Schedule:

  • Select an account and create a call
  • Select an existing call, which automatically associates the call’s account with the saved CLM activity

When users convert unassigned presentations to calls, they can select existing calls with the Event_vod record type but they cannot create new calls with the Event_vod record type. When users reconcile an unassigned presentation with an existing Event_vod call, the Medical Event or Event Display Name displays in the Select a Call picklist.

To select an account and create a call for an unassigned presentation:

  1. Navigate to My Schedule.
  2. Select the Unassigned Presentation.
  3. Select the More Actions button.

  4. Select Select Account.
  5. Select the appropriate account and follow the prompts to create the call.

To associate an unassigned presentation with an existing call:

  1. Navigate to My Schedule.
  2. Select the Unassigned Presentation.
  3. Select the More Actions button.

  4. Select Select a Call. For Event_vod calls, the Medical Event or Event Display Name displays in the Select a Call picklist instead of the account formatted name or child account and parent child name.

    If the user does not have any planned or saved calls on the same day as the unassigned presentation, the Select a Call action menu option does not display.

  5. Select the appropriate call and complete the call report.

After selecting the call, if the user selects Cancel, the call reverts and the Unassigned Presentation remains unassigned in My Schedule.

If unique attendees are enabled and the user selects a group call for the Unassigned Presentation, a list of attendees displays. The user can select multiple attendees or add accounts as attendees. Once the user selects an attendee, the appropriate key messages and other relevant information are copied to the attendee, and the group call screen displays.

To discard an unassigned presentation:

  1. Navigate to My Schedule.
  2. Select the Unassigned Presentation.
  3. Select the More Actions button.
  4. Select Discard.

When a user discards an activity, the Call Session field is deselected, the popup closes, and My Schedule refreshes, deleting the unassociated presentation from the calendar.

Platform Specific Details for Browser

In Lightning for My Schedule, the workflow differs slightly for associating saved CLM activity (unassigned presentations) with calls and discarding saved CLM activity.

Associating Save for Later CLM Activity with New Calls

To associate the activity with a new call in Lightning for My Schedule:

  1. Select an unassigned presentation from the calendar.

  2. Select Convert to Call.

  3. Select Create New Call.
  4. Select Next.
  5. Select the appropriate account and record type.

  6. Select Save. The call opens in a new tab.

Associating Save for Later CLM Activity with Existing Calls

To associate the activity with an existing call in Lightning for My Schedule:

  1. Select an unassigned presentation from the calendar.

  2. Select Convert to Call.

  3. Select Add to Existing Call.
  4. Select Next.

  5. Select the appropriate call from the Call dropdown menu.
  6. Select Save. The call opens in a new tab.

Discarding Save for Later CLM Activity

To discard saved CLM activity in Lightning for My Schedule:

  1. Select an unassigned presentation from the calendar.

  2. Select Discard.

  3. Select OK to confirm.

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