Tracking CLM Activity Anonymously

  • iPad

Customers can report on CLM activity in the media player even if an account is not selected or an account that opted out of tracking is selected. Standard tracking normally recorded during a CLM session is automatically saved on the Multichannel_Activity_vod and Multichannel_Line_vod objects. This allows CLM activity to be saved and analyzed anonymously when users do not have consent to track activity for specific accounts.

To enable and capture consent for CLM, see Capturing Consent for CLM Tracking for more information.

For example, Sarah Jones meets with Dr. Clinton Ackerman, who has opted out of CLM tracking. Sarah presents CLM content about Cholecap on her iPad. When she exits the presentation, she cannot associate the activity with Dr. Ackerman’s account, but his reactions to the slides are saved anonymously.

Configuring Anonymous CLM Tracking

Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality.

To enable anonymous tracking:

  1. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Media_Preview_vod
    • Mobile_ID_vod
    • RecordType
    • Start_Datetime_vod
    • Training_vod


    • Name





    • CLM_Presentation_vod
    • Datetime_vod
    • Duration_vod
    • Event_Type_vod
    • Key_Message_vod
    • Key_Message_VExternal_Id_vod
    • Mobile_ID_vod
    • Multichannel_Activity_vod
    • RecordType
    • View_Order_vod


    • Name


  2. Ensure Meta Data Only VMOCs for the following objects are active for the appropriate platform:
    • Multichannel_Activity_vod
    • Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod
  3. Create custom fields for the Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod object to write Call_Clickstream_vod object custom fields to the Multichannel_Activity_vod object. Populate the field API names for the custom fields using the following format:
    • zvod_CC_[Field]_c where [Field] matches the field API name for the corresponding field on the Call_Clickstream_vod object

    Custom fields on the Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod object must correspond to a field on the Call_Clickstream_vod object to be tracked.

  4. Enable the TRACK_CLM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_vod Multichannel Setting with the appropriate value:
    • 0 or NULL - Do not track use
    • 1 - Track all media player use, including training
    • 2 - Track training use only

To allow users to track CLM activity on calls as unassigned presentations and associate the activity with calls at a later time, see Associating Accounts with Tracked CLM Activity.