Capturing Consent for CLM Tracking

  • iPad

Users can track an account’s CLM activity for marketing purposes. These statistics can help customers improve and tailor CLM content for HCPs. However, users must first receive consent from HCPs to track CLM activity and associate it with their accounts. Consent Capture allows users to capture and save HCP consent in Veeva CRM.

For more information about the expected behavior of CLM tracking with or without consent, see the support article about CLM Consent and CLM Tracking Use Cases.

For accounts that do not opt-in, CLM activity tracking can be fully disabled or activity can be tracked anonymously. This means a Call_Clickstream_vod record is created while CLM content is being presented to track activity and once the user exits the media player, the data from the Call_Clickstream_vod record is copied to available corresponding fields on Multichannel_Activity_vod and Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod records. Fields referencing the account’s information are not populated.

Regardless of an account’s consent, CLM content always displays.

Consent is supported at the Account level and can include an expiration date, similar to Approved Email consent.

For example, Sarah Jones meets with Dr. Clinton Ackerman and captures his opt-in consent for CLM tracking. Sarah then presents CLM content about Cholecap. When she exits the presentation, she can associate the activity with Dr. Ackerman’s account to report on his reactions to the slides presented.

Configuring CLM Consent

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

To enable consent for tracking:

  1. Ensure Consent Capture is configured.
  2. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types













  3. Enable a Full Sync VMOC for the Multichannel_Consent_vod object.
  4. Enable the appropriate consent model:
    • Global/profile level:
      • All Accounts are opted in / consented unless there is a valid opt out record – deselect the CLM_EXPLICIT_OPT_IN_vod Multichannel Setting
      • All Accounts are opted out / not consented unless there is a valid opt-in record – select the CLM_EXPLICIT_OPT_IN_vod Multichannel Setting
    • Individual Account level:
      • Implicit_Opt_In_vod – Account is opted in / consented unless there is a valid opt out record
      • Explicit_Opt_In_vod – Account is opted out / not consented unless there is a valid opt-in record
      • Never_vod – Account never consented

      If the CLM_Opt_Type_vod field is NULL or the user does not have FLS Read permission to this field, the behavior follows the global/profile-based consent model.

  5. Define the tracking behavior for opted out or no consent accounts:
    • No tracking – Populate the CLM_OPT_OUT_BEHAVIOR_vod Multichannel Setting with the value 0 (zero)
    • Anonymous tracking to the Multichannel Activity and Multichannel Activity Line objects – Populate the CLM_OPT_OUT_BEHAVIOR_vod Multichannel Setting with the value 1. See Tracking CLM Activity Anonymously for more information.
      • All standard CLM tracking information is captured, except for Account and Call
      • Additional fields from the Account (such as Segmentation or Specialty) can be pulled from the Account to the Multichannel Activity Line object
  6. Dataload any existing consent records to the Multichannel Consent object. This step is optional.
    • Use the CLM_vod record type
    • Populate the following fields:
      • Account
      • Opt Type – Opt_In_vod or Opt_Out_vod
      • Capture Date Time
      • Expiration Date (Optional)
      • Last Device (Optional) – Data_Load_vod

Capturing Consent for CLM Tracking for Group Calls

Group Calls are composed of one parent call and an unlimited number of child calls—one child call per attendee. All parent call information is copied to each of the child calls. For Group Calls, tracking is determined by the consent of the attendees. If any of the attendees have a status of Not Consented, the Group Call's consent status is also Not Consented.

Group Call tracking is determined by whether all Attendees, including the Account on the parent call, have consented to tracking:

  • If any attendee has not given consent, the Group Call is not consented
  • If the Group Call is not consented and anonymous tracking is enabled, only one set of Multichannel_Activity_vod and Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod records is created and is not associated with any attendee. A set is not created for each attendee.

    Pull-through fields are not copied over on Group Calls.

  • Regardless of the attendee’s account type—or if the attendee does not have an account—the CLM_Opt_Type_vod field value determines consent as a part of the group. If the attendee doesn't have access to the CLM_Opt_Type_vod field, they are considered not consented for the group consent determination.
  • If, when CLM was initiated, the Group Call was not consented, then all attendees added to the Group Call after that point are considered not consented and do not receive Call Key Messages and Call Clickstream
  • If, when CLM was initiated, the Group Call was consented, then any attendees added to the group call after that point receive Call Key Messages and Call Clickstream regardless of whether the attendee is consented. (This behavior is a direct result of children on Group Calls receiving a copy of all parent call information.)
  • Consent for Unique Activity Group Calls is determined for each attendee separately. See Unique Activities on Group Call for more information.

If an attendee has given consent, Call Key Message and Call Clickstream records are recorded on the child call for that attendee. If an attendee has not given consent and anonymous tracking is enabled, a separate set of Multichannel Activity and Multichannel Activity Lines is recorded for that attendee.