Integrated Scheduling: Accepting and Declining Meeting Requests in My Schedule

  • Browser
  • iPad
  • iPhone

When CRM users receive meeting requests from HCPs via the Engage Scheduling Site or data loaded Meeting_Request_vod records, they can accept or decline the request directly in My Schedule in CRM. This enables users to respond to requests for a meeting.

When users accept a meeting request, a planned call is automatically created for the requested time.


Configuring Accepting and Declining Meeting Requests

To configure this feature:

  1. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Meeting_Request_vod
    • Status_vod
    • Owner
    • Duration_vod
    • Account
    • Call_Channel_vod
    • Phone_vod





    • Account_vod
    • Call2_vod
    • Decline_Reason_vod
    • Is_Hidden_vod
    • Status_vod
    • Status_Last_Modified_DateTime_vod


    • Meeting_Type_vod
    • Phone_vod
    • Start_DateTime_vod
    • Duration_vod
    • External_ID_vod
    • Assignee_vod
    • Invitee_Display_Name_vod


  2. Ensure the following picklist values of the Status_vod field on the Meeting_Request_vod object are available to the Engage_Scheduling_Site_vod record type:

    • Accepted_vod
    • Declined_vod
  3. Activate the iPhone and iPad VMOCs for the Meeting_Request_vod object.

Do not add the Meeting Requests related list to Account object page layouts.

Additionally, admins can define a specific format to display HCP names in confirmation emails for accepted meeting requests. See Formatting HCP Display Names for more information.

Data Loading Meeting Requests

Meeting requests can be added to CRM via the data loader, rather than via the Engage Scheduling Site. This enables meeting requests made in external systems to be added and responded to in CRM.

The following fields are required when data loading Meeting_Request_vod records:

  • Record Type – Must be a custom Meeting_Request_vod record type. It is recommended that the name of the custom record type reflect the source of the meeting request.
  • Invitee_Display_Name_vod
  • Assignee_vod
  • Duration_vod
  • Start_DateTime_vod
  • Status_vod

The following fields are optional, but enable users to more easily respond to meeting requests in My Schedule:

  • Account_vod
  • Meeting_Type_vod

Viewing Requested Meeting Requests

Requested meetings submitted by accounts display in either the Week, Map, or Agenda views of the My Schedule tab.

If the account specified a preferred channel for the requested meeting, it displays in the meeting request’s header.

Meeting requests that have not yet been accepted or decline display with a red clock icon to indicate action is required.

If the requested time and date is in the past, the meeting request displays in red.

Responding to a Meeting Request

Select the meeting request to display the details. After reviewing the meeting request’s time and date, the user can decide to accept, decline, or remove the request.

A warning displays in the popover if the associated account has a call restriction, for example, if Do Not Call is enabled.

Accepting Meeting Requests

When a meeting request is accepted, a Call2_vod record is created referencing the meeting request. Key values from the meeting request, for example the Account_vod and Start_DateTime_vod fields, automatically populate in the Call2_vod record. The Call_Channel_vod field is automatically populated based on the meeting type the HCP selects on the Engage Scheduling Site.

Data loaded meeting requests may not have an associated account. If the user accepts a meeting request without an associated account, the user must search for an account to associate to the Call2_vod record.

Declining Meeting Requests

To decline a meeting request from the meeting request popover in My Schedule:

  1. Select Decline.
  2. Select the appropriate reason for declining the request. This step is optional and can be skipped by selecting Skip.

    Admins can disable the ability to skip by removing the No_Reason_Provided_vod picklist value form the list of available values on the Decline_Reason_vod picklist for the appropriate Meeting_Request_vod record type.

Users can also select and accept a declined meeting request.

Removing Meeting Requests from My Schedule

Users can remove declined or requested meeting requests from their schedule:

  1. Select the Remove button.
  2. Select the appropriate reason for the removal.

Sending Confirmation Emails for Accepted Meeting Requests

To notify HCPs about accepted meeting requests, confirmation emails are automatically sent to HCPs when a user accepts a meeting request in My Schedule. Customers can also define an optional company logo in the confirmation email. To do this, populate the COMPANY_LOGO_vod Engage Link setting with an externally hosted URL to the appropriate image.

For example, Dr. Clinton Ackerman submits a meeting request with Sarah Jones. Later, Sarah reviews the meeting request in My Schedule and selects Accept. Dr. Ackerman automatically receives a confirmation email from Sarah that contains the time, date, and meeting type.

This feature does not require configuration.

Automatically Sending Confirmation Emails

When a user accepts a meeting request in My Schedule, a confirmation email is sent to the account based on the Invitee_Email_vod field on the corresponding Meeting_Request_vod record. This email details the meeting type, date and time, and participants.

If the Meeting_Type_vod or Phone_vod fields are not populated in the Meeting_Request_vod record, they do not display in the email.

This email is supported in all of Veeva CRM’s supported languages and uses the Invitee_Locale_vod field from the corresponding meeting request to determine the language of the email.

Additionally, an .ICS file is attached to the email the recipient can use to add the scheduled meeting to their calendar.

Platform Specific Details

When Lightning for My Schedule is enabled and users select a meeting request notification, they are redirected to the meeting request in My Schedule.

Firefox users must update their browser to Firefox version 121.0 or higher.

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