Tracking CLM Call Clickstream Activity

  • iPad

When displaying CLM content from a call, CLM activity is automatically tracked after users exit the media player, allowing users to analyze how content was received by viewers and provide data to content creators to improve that content. CLM activity can include survey questions and responses, displayed key messages, HCP reactions to slides, and detailed products, as well as custom data defined by customers.

For example, Sarah Jones meets with Dr. Clinton Ackerman and presents CLM content about Cholecap. She captures Dr. Ackerman’s reactions to each slide using the reaction buttons and uses the navigation bar to navigate between specific slides. The reaction and actions are automatically saved when she exits the presentation.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

While content is being presented, a Call_Clickstream_vod record is created and tracks the activity of the presentation. Once the user exits the media player, the following fields on the Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod object are stamped by default from the corresponding Call_Clickstream_vod record:

  • Name
  • RecordType
  • CLM_Presentation_vod
  • Detail_Group_vod
  • Detail_Group_VExternal_Id
  • Enitity_Reference_KM_Id_vod
  • Event_Type_vod
  • Key_Message_vod
  • Key_Message_VExternal_Id_vod
  • Key_Message_Version_vod
  • Mobile_ID_vod
  • Multichannel_Activity_vod
  • Product_vod
  • ProductVExternal_Id_vod

Admins can create custom Call_Clickstream_vod fields to track custom data. To save custom data from Call_Clickstream_vod records to Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod records, admins must create zvod fields using the following format:

  • zvod_[Object name]_[Field name]__c

The object name must be CC for the Call_Clickstream_vod object. The field name must match the API field name of the corresponding field on the Call_Clickstream_vod object, for example, zvod_CC_Call_vod__c.

If the Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod object does not contain fields corresponding to the custom Call_Clickstream_vod fields, then the data for those fields is not saved.