Selecting an Address for State Distributor License Validation

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop ( Mac (Sandbox Beta), Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

Selecting an address for State Distributor license validation enables users to disburse samples even if there is not an exact match in the selected HCP and Call Location addresses. State Distributor license validation typically requires an exact match between the HCP and Call Location address.

However, the HCP and Call Location address may not match, even if they are certified with the same State Distributor license—for example, if there is a difference in capitalization or spelling between the HCP address and Call Location address, or if the organization has a large campus with several different buildings and addresses. To enable sampling in these situations, users specify a third address on the call report for State Distributor license validation.


Configuring State Distributor License Validation For Call Location

To enable this feature:

  1. Grant users FLS Edit permission to the following fields on the Call2_vod object:
    • State_Distributor_Address_Id_vod
    • State_Distributor_Address_Line_1_vod
    • State_Distributor_Address_Line_2_vod
    • State_Distributor_City_vod
    • State_Distributor_State_vod
    • State_Distributor_Zip_vod
    • State_Distributor_Zip_4_vod
    • zvod_State_Distributor_Address_vod
  2. Place the zvod_State_Distributor_Address_vod field on the appropriate Call2_vod page layouts in the same section as the zvod_Business_Account_vod__c (Location) field.

Using State Distributor License Validation for Call Location

To select an address for State Distributor license validation, select the zvod_State_Distributor_Address_vod drop down menu on the call report, then select the appropriate address. The list displays addresses associated with the Call Location or business account on the call.

A State Distributor license status indicator displays next to each address in the list, indicating whether or not the address has valid license information. When users capture an HCP signature or submit the call, State Distributor license validation runs on the selected address.

The call location address and the call address (or ship-to address, for sample requests/BRCs) do not have to be an exact match for users to capture HCP signatures and submit the call.

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