Displaying CLM Reports

  • Browser

A set of out-of-the-box CLM reports are delivered as examples. These are intended to be used as starting points for creating reports and dashboards relevant to your organization.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

To view these reports:

  1. Navigate to Reports > All Folders > Sample CLM Reports.
  2. Select the appropriate report to view.

Report Name


Call Clickstream

This report displays each area of the CLM presentation a user selected for every call.

CLM Detailing by Account

This report displays the products, key messages, message duration, and message reactions for each account.

CLM Key Message Utilization

This report displays the products and key messages used each day.

CLM vs. Non-CLM Calls

This report displays the number of calls with media compared to the number of calls without media per month.