Improved Account Picker

  • iPad
  • iPhone

To enable customers to easily find accounts, Veeva CRM includes an improved, consistent search experience across many entry points.

The improved account picker is available from the following entry points:

  • Sphere of Influence
  • Approved Email
  • Media
  • Survey Targets

    Child Account support is not available in the account picker from the Survey Targets entry point.

  • Detail Pages
  • Call Attendees

    Child Account support is not available in the account picker from the Call Attendees entry point.

For example, Sarah Jones is leaving Chilton Memorial Hospital and meets Dr. Meghan Chambler in the hallway with her associates Dr. Clinton Ackerman and Dr Tyler Chase. Sarah takes the opportunity to present a slide about Cholecap. When the presentation is complete, Sarah searches the list of available accounts to add to the Call Report she created, where she quickly finds and adds Dr. Chambler. Later, when she completes the call report, she is able to locate Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Chase by entering part of their last names in the search field. The detailed presentation of results allows Sarah to feel confident she has selected the correct accounts to add to the call report.

This feature does not require configuration.

Using the Improved Account Picker

The user interface and search functionality is the same for every entry point, and includes standard and custom fields related to each account. When users enter text in the Search field, the results display any matching accounts, and the account/s is highlighted. An icon displays next to each account in the results indicating whether it is an HCP or an office.

Child accounts are not included in the search results.

The improved account picker functions differently from Advanced Account Search, and instead searches the following fields:

  • Account
  • Formatted_Name_vod__c
  • Account_Identifier_vod__c
  • Furigana_vod__c
  • NPI_vod__c
  • Account_Search_FirstLast_vod__c
  • Account_Search_LastFirst_vod__c
  • Address_vod (searches across all addresses)
  • Name
  • Address_Line_2_vod__c
  • City_vod__c
  • State_vod__c
  • Zip_vod__c
  • Phone_vod__c
  • License_vod__c

When only one search value is entered, the results display all accounts where one of the fields on the account contains a string matching the entered value. When multiple values are entered and separated by spaces, the search uses implicit AND logic to search for all of those values.

The search field does not support parenthesis or boolean searches (AND, OR, NOT).

All search values are highlighted in the results. If the match occurs in multiple fields at the same time, or multiple times in the same word, every matching instance is highlighted.

Using List View and Table View

Users can view accounts in either list view or table view.

List view displays the account names along with important details, for example, the practice each account is associated with, the type of practice, and address information.

If a user searches for text not displayed in List View, such as a customizable field, the user can switch to Table View to see the highlighted match. The search results are preserved when the user switches views.

To switch to table view, select the table tab at the top of the list. Select a column name to sort by the column. Table view displays similar information, but includes both standard and customizable fields and the ability to sort the table.

If a customer defined search layout fields for the account object and the user has FLS for those fields, the fields display in the table view.

Using Custom Columns and Search Layouts

The account picker supports configurable search layouts. If there are any supported custom columns defined in Search Layouts, the system searches and displays these custom columns, disregarding the value of the Enable Enhanced Lookups Veeva Setting.

Any changes the customer may have made in the past to the Account Search Layouts and Lookup Dialogs are automatically reflected in the Improved Account Picker. The following procedure is only necessary if admins prefer to change which columns are displayed.

To select custom columns to include in the search layout:

  1. Switch to Salesforce Classic.
  2. Navigate to the Account object.
  3. Select Customize layout of fields on search results and lookup dialogs.
  4. Select the Edit link for Lookup Dialogs.
  5. Select the custom fields to include them in the search layout.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Access the Metadata Cache Manager tab.
  8. Select Refresh Metadata. This process can take several minutes to complete.

Filtering Accounts

The Improved Account Picker allows users to filter by Business or Person accounts.

To filter by accounts:

  1. Select the Filter button in the upper right corner of the account picker.
  2. Select a filter to apply to the results.
  3. Select the Apply button.