Processing JD-NET Sales Data Files

Unlike other sales data files which can be process manually via the Analytics Admin page, JD-NET sales data files must be processed automatically using specific control (CTL) files due to the nature of a JD-NET sales file.

For each sales data file:

  1. Create a control file with the file name upload.ctl to automate file processing. The upload.ctl file should contain the following information, including the start and end block delimiters:

    Example CTL file

    # salesforce username and password
    # salesforce id of the data map template, which defines the column header
    # salesforce transaction object which defines the column data type
    # filename is case sensitive, accepts only one csv file
    # for gzip compressed csv file, filename should have extension .gz
    # if FullUpload is true, all previous loaded data will be removed
    # notification email addresses,

    CTL File Field



    Required. Salesforce username of the user who processes data files.


    Required. Salesforce password of the user who processes data files.

    Data_Map_Template ID

    Required. Name of the data map template used when processing the file.


    Required. The name of the transaction object which defines the column data types. For JD-NET files, the value of this field is Sales_Incremental_Transaction_vod__c.


    Required. File name of the sales data file to be processed.



    Required. Indicates whether to remove all previous loaded data prior to loading. If this value is set to true, all existing JD-NET data is removed. If this value is set to false, existing JD-NET data is updated if a record with the same External ID is present in the file and new data will be added.


    Notification email addresses. Multiple email addresses must be separated by commas.

  2. Sign in to the customer's analytics FTP server using the appropriate Salesforce credentials.
  3. Upload the JD-NET sales data CSV file first and then the upload.ctl file into the data directory. The order in which you upload the files is important. The system automatically detects the uploaded files and sends an email soon after indicating whether or not your file load was successful.

Once the files are uploaded and the file processing is complete, an email is sent to the notification email addresses.