Viewing Remote CLM

  • iPad

Remote CLM allows HCPs to view CLM content on their own devices during calls without being in an Engage meeting, including face-to-face meetings and phone calls. Link details are shared with the HCPs using social messaging apps, verbally, or with a QR code. Selecting the link allows the HCP to view the CLM content in their browser without installing an app.

CLM content for remote CLM respects the restricted calls, restricted products, allowed products, and segmentations for the attendee account, but does not respect any disabled touch gestures defined on associated Key_Message_vod records.

Configuring Remote CLM

To allow end users to create a remote CLM link:

  1. Grant the CLM integration user the following permissions:



    Record Types







    • Sent_Message_vod
    • Vault_Document_Id_vod
    • Vault_Document_Major_Version_vod
    • Vault_Document_Minor_Version_vod
    • Vault_Doc_Name_vod
    • Vault_Document_Number_vod
    • Vault_Document_Title_vod
    • Vault_Domain_vod








    • Account_vod
    • Call_vod
    • Capture_Datetime_vod
    • Clm_Presentation_vod
    • Detail_Group_vod
    • Details_vod
    • Engage_Link_vod
    • Key_Message_vod
    • Message_Config_Values_vod
    • Mobile_ID_vod
    • Opened_vod
    • Product_vod
    • Sent_Datetime_vod
    • Sent_From_Platform_vod
    • Sent_Phrase_vod
    • Sent_Via_vod
    • Shortened_Engage_Link_vod
    • To_vod
    • Transaction_Type_vod
    • User_vod
    • VExternal_Id_vod


    • Clicked_vod
    • Click_Count_vod
    • Downloaded_vod
    • Download_Count_vod
    • Viewed_vod
    • View_Count_vod
  2. Grant the Engage post-processing integration user the following permissions:



    Record Types





    • Activity_vod
    • Activity_Datetime_vod
    • Client_Device_vod
    • Client_Name_vod
    • Client_OS_vod
    • Client_Type_vod
    • IP_Address_vod
    • Sent_Message_vod
    • User_Agent_vod





    • Account_vod
    • Call_vod
    • Capture_Datetime_vod
    • Clm_Presentation_vod
    • Detail_Group_vod
    • Details_vod
    • Engage_Link_vod
    • Key_Message_vod
    • Message_Config_Values_vod
    • Mobile_ID_vod
    • Opened_vod
    • Product_vod
    • Sent_Datetime_vod
    • Sent_From_Platform_vod
    • Sent_Phrase_vod
    • Sent_Via_vod
    • Shortened_Engage_Link_vod
    • To_vod
    • Transaction_Type_vod
    • User_vod
    • VExternal_Id_vod


    • Clicked_vod
    • Click_Count_vod
    • Downloaded_vod
    • Download_Count_vod
    • Viewed_vod
    • View_Count_vod
  3. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Remote_CLM_ID_vod
    • Remote_CLM_Participant_URL_vod
    • Remote_CLM_Presenter_URL_vod
    • Remote_CLM_UUID_vod














    • Activity_vod
    • Activity_Datetime_vod
    • Client_Device_vod
    • Client_Name_vod
    • Client_OS_vod
    • Client_Type_vod
    • IP_Address_vod
    • Sent_Message_vod
    • User_Agent_vod





    • Account_vod
    • Call_vod
    • Capture_Datetime_vod
    • Clm_Presentation_vod
    • Detail_Group_vod
    • Details_vod
    • Engage_Link_vod
    • Key_Message_vod
    • Message_Config_Values_vod
    • Mobile_ID_vod
    • Opened_vod
    • Product_vod
    • Sent_Datetime_vod
    • Sent_From_Platform_vod
    • Sent_Phrase_vod
    • Sent_Via_vod
    • Shortened_Engage_Link_vod
    • Status_vod
    • To_vod
    • Transaction_Type_vod
    • User_vod
    • VExternal_Id_vod


    • Clicked_vod
    • Click_Count_vod
    • Downloaded_vod
    • Download_Count_vod
    • Viewed_vod
    • View_Count_vod
  4. Enable all the picklist values for following fields on the Sent_Message_vod object for all available record types:
    • Sent_Via_vod
    • Transaction_Type_vod
  5. Navigate to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings > Engage Settings.
  6. Select Newfor Default Organization Level Value to define org-wide settings, or select New in the Setup Owner table to create profile-specific settings.
  7. Populate the following Engage Settings appropriately:
    • ENGAGE_LINK_ACCOUNT_SELECTION_vod – Determines if users must select an account before sending a web link. Populate with one of the following values:
    • 0 – Users are required to select an account. This is the default value.
    • 1 – Users cannot select an account. After selecting a sharing option, users can select the recipient if not already populated.
    • ENGAGE_LINK_APPS_vod – References the ENGAGE_LINK_APPS;;EngageLink Veeva Message. Edit the list in the Veeva Message to control the number and order of sharing options available for users to send website links with accounts. Available values are:
    • Messages
    • WhatsApp
    • LINE
    • EngageConnect
    • CopyURL (includes QR code)

    Populate the list using the format App1;;App2.

  8. Ensure the appropriate VMOCs are active for the following objects:
    • Sent_Message_vod, with the following where clause:
    • WHERE (Account_vod__r.Name != NULL AND CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:90)
    • Multichannel_Activity_vod
    • Engage_Link_Settings_vod

To test Remote CLM functionality in a sandbox CRM org, admins must also connect the sandbox org to the Engage sandbox.

Enabling Remote CLM Content in Vault

To allow a CLM presentation synced from Vault to be shared via remote CLM, content admins in Vault must ensure the Publish to CRM (Remote CLM) (publish_for_veeva_crm_remote_clm__v) field is selected on the presentation. This field maps to the Allow_Remote_CLM_vod field on the CLM_Presentation_vod object in CRM, which determines whether the button to start remote CLM for the presentation displays to users.

Content admins must republish existing auto-published content by selecting No for the Publish to Veeva CRM (CLM) field, saving, then selecting Yes again. For content with manually generated distribution packages before 22R2, admins must perform the following steps to republish each piece of content:

  1. Select No for the Publish for Veeva CRM (CLM) field and save.
  2. Download the distribution package.
  3. Delete the distribution package from Vault.
  4. Upload the distribution package back into Vault.
  5. Select Yes for the Publish for Veeva CRM (CLM) field and save.

Remote CLM Content Guidelines

Only content published from Vault is supported, including auto-published content, binders and slides, and content created via Create Presentation. The following content packaging formats are supported:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • HTML

    If HTML content uses a third-party JavaScript library impacting click event coordinates, then the content will not display as expected during remote CLM.

  • PDF, including PDF files and PDF slides in presentations
  • goToSlide

The following content packaging formats and assets are not supported:

  • PowerPoint
  • AR
  • Shared resources
  • External links

    When a user selects an external link and launches the browser, the browser window is not displayed to the attendee

  • Embedded videos
  • Embedded overlays

Defining SMS and WhatsApp Phone Numbers

Admins can define the SMS and WhatsApp phone numbers for an account. This automatically populates the recipient phone number when users send links to the account using Messages and WhatsApp.

  1. Grant end users FLS read permission to the following fields on the Account object:
    • SMS_vod
    • WhatsApp_vod
    • Since WhatsApp does not have an iPad app, WhatsApp Web launches in the browser on the iPad platform. Veeva does not control the behavior of WhatsApp Web.

  2. Navigate to the appropriate Account record.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Populate the SMS_vod or WhatsApp_vod fields.

    A phone number must be only digits (no symbols), including the country code, and must not contain any leading zeros, for example, 11234567890.

Starting Remote CLM

Users can start remote CLM for a presentation from the More Actions button in the following entry points:

  • Presentation thumbnail in the media library
  • Presentation slide library
  • Specific slide in a presentation
  • Presentation displayed in standard search results. Advanced text search is not supported.

Users must have an active internet connection to start remote CLM.

To start and share remote CLM content:

  1. Select the More Actions button.

  2. Select Present Remotely. This button only displays if the Allow_Remote_CLM_vod field on the CLM_Presentation_vod record is selected.
  3. Select the appropriate attendee account, if applicable. This is controlled by the ENGAGE_LINK_ACCOUNT_SELECTION_vod Engage Link Setting.

  4. Select the appropriate sharing option or verbally share the link details, including the ID, with the attendee to allow them to start viewing the CLM presentation.

    The user can only share the link details with one attendee at a time.

Users cannot start remote CLM during an Engage meeting.

Sharing begins once the first slide loads and pauses when the user views the slide library for the presentation.

When sharing a video slide, users must select the pop-up message to play the video.

Select the Attendees button in the meeting ribbon to view the attendees, including the user. Select Invite to invite another attendee to view the presentation.

A notification displays when an attendee joins or leaves remote CLM.

To switch presentations during remote CLM:

  1. Select the slide sorter button.
  2. Select Find Presentation to display the media library.
  3. Find or search for the appropriate presentation.
  4. Select the presentation to share.

Ending Remote CLM

Users can stop sharing CLM content by selecting the End button in the meeting ribbon, then selecting End in the confirmation popup, or by selecting Done in the More Actions menu.

Remote CLM automatically ends if there is no user interaction with the device screen for 5 minutes. A confirmation popup to stop displaying content displays and users have 60 seconds to be active again before it ends.

Ending remote CLM does not expire the link, which means users can share CLM content with the HCP again with the same link details. Users must launch the media library from the call report associated with the previous remote CLM activity, then start remote CLM for the appropriate presentation. The link expires two hours after the most recently ended remote CLM activity.

Users are prompted to select an account with which to associate the tracked remote CLM activity if one was not selected before sharing the presentation.

After creating a call and confirming the end of remote CLM, the CLM Details section of the call report displays, allowing users to review the activity. The Share_Channel_vod field for each tracked call key message is stamped with Remote_CLM_vod.

Tracking Remote CLM

When a user selects a sharing option to send remote CLM details with an attendee, a Sent_Message_vod record is created and stamped with the following information:



Record Type



Lookup to the attendee account


Lookup to the user who sent the session details

Engage Link

Participant URL. If there is a Call2_vod record associated with the session, this link is also stamped in the Remote_CLM_Participant_URL_vod field on the record.

Shortened Engage Link

The shortened Participant URL

Capture Datetime

Datetime at which the user selected the sharing option

Sent from Platform


Shared Via

The app used to send the session details:

  • WhatsApp_vod
  • Line_vod
  • Messages_vod
  • Copy_URL_vod (includes QR code)

Transaction Type



The associated Call2_vod record

Mobile Id

System-generated Id

VExternal Id

The unique identifier of the shortened Participant URL