High Performance Call Report

  • CRM Desktop (Mac (Sandbox Beta), Windows)

High performance call report provides a better Veeva CRM Desktop Experience for users, including improved performance. When users edit or create a call report from their online browser, the call report displays as a new window in the CRM Desktop app. Feature availability differs depending on your configuration. For more information, see Supported Call Report Functionality on CRM Desktop (Windows) or Supported Call Report Functionality on CRM Desktop (Mac) (Sandbox Beta).

When you are connected to the internet, you can create a call report for upcoming visits. The high performance call report opens quickly in the CRM Desktop app, allowing you to enter details and save the call report. You can update with more details at a later time and then submit the call report.

On the CRM Desktop (Mac) platform, high performance call report is available as a Sandbox Beta feature and should only be used in Sandbox orgs.


  • Ensure Call Reporting is configured
  • Ensure device requirements are met and the CRM Desktop app is installed for the appropriate platforms:
  • Device and Software Requirements for Windows
  • Installing the Windows App
  • Device and Software Requirements for Mac

    High performance call report is not supported on versions of MacOS earlier than Monterey.

  • Installing the Mac App
  • Ensure users’ internet browser settings allow pop-ups and redirects from their Salesforce org. If pop-ups and redirects are not allowed, the high performance call report cannot open.
  • For Engage users on the CRM Desktop (Mac) (Sandbox Beta) platform, Veeva does not recommend enabling high performance call report. Scheduling or starting Engage meetings while using high performance call report is not supported for CRM Desktop (Mac) (Sandbox Beta).

Configuring the High Performance Call Report

To enable this functionality:

  1. Populate the Enable_CRM_Desktop_vod Veeva Setting with Call2_vod__c.
  2. Ensure VMOCs for the WinModern platform are enabled for all call reporting functionality your organization has configured, if using CRM Desktop (Windows). For the high performance call report, WinModern VMOCs must be used rather than CRM Desktop (Windows) VMOCs.
  3. Ensure VMOCs for the iPad platform are enabled for all call reporting functionality your organization has configured, if using CRM Desktop (Mac) (Sandbox Beta).

WinModern and iPad VMOC configuration and limitations apply to high performance call reports. For more information, see Using Incremental Sync.

To disable high performance call report for specific profiles—for example, administrators—populate the Enable_CRM_Desktop_vod Veeva Setting with a single comma, in the appropriate profile settings.

If the Enable_CRM_Desktop_vod Veeva Setting is enabled at the org-wide level, populate the Enable_CRM_Desktop_vod Veeva Setting for every profile. For profiles where high performance call report should be disabled, populate the setting with a single comma. For profiles where high performance call report should be enabled, populate the setting with the value Call2_vod__c.

Using the High Performance Call Report

When the high performance call report is enabled, Veeva does not recommend using My Schedule to create same-day calls. If users schedule or edit a call for the same day in My Schedule and then try to open the call report without syncing first, the CRM Desktop app cannot open the call report.

When users create or edit a call from the Browser platform, the call report opens as a high performance call report in the CRM Desktop app. Once enabled, the call report is view-only on the Browser platform.

If users do not have the CRM Desktop app installed, the install process automatically occurs. After the app installs, the user must open the call report again from the browser.

Only one call report can be open at a time. If a call report is already open in the CRM Desktop app and users attempt to create or edit a new call report, a warning displays. Select Start New Call to save and close the existing call, and open the new call report.

When a call report is open in both the CRM Desktop (Windows) app and the user’s internet browser, users are instructed to use the call report in the CRM Desktop app when they attempt to do any of the following from the call in their browser:

  • Launch media for CLM
  • Start a previously scheduled Engage or Microsoft Teams meeting
  • Start an Engage or Microsoft Teams meeting with Meet Now
  • Schedule an Engage or Microsoft Teams meeting
  • Switch the remote meeting type

The call report is focused in the CRM Desktop app and any overlays on the call report remain open.

If the CRM Desktop app is already in call mode—for example, the user was presenting CLM through the CRM Desktop app—and users attempt to create or edit a new call report, a warning displays. Select Save and Start New to save and close the existing call and create or edit a new call report.

When users save or submit a call report, the Last_Device_vod field on the Call2_vod object is stamped with CRM_Desktop_Windows_vod for Windows users or CRM_Desktop_MacOS_vod for Mac users.

If high performance call report is enabled and VMOCs restrict calls from syncing past a certain number of days, users cannot go online to edit calls past the timeframe specified in the VMOCs. For example, if calls older than 45 days are excluded from the applicable Call2_vod VMOC, users cannot go online to edit calls created more than 45 days ago.

Supported Entry Points for High Performance Call Reports

Users can launch call reports from the following entry points:

  • Account Detail page - Select the Record a Call button
  • Child Account Detail page - Select the Record a Call button
  • Account Plan - Select Record Activity
  • Account Tactics - Select the Record a Call button
  • Call Report (view mode) - Select the Edit button
  • Contact detail page - Select the Record a Call button
  • Events Management events - Select the Record a Call button
  • Medical Event - Select the Record a Call button
  • Medical Inquiry - Select the Record a Call button
  • Medical Inquiry Fulfillment detail page - Select the Edit Response button

  • Medical Inquiry Fulfillment Tab - Select the Create Response button
  • MyInsights - Scheduling calls with Deep Linking in MyInsights
  • All My Schedule entry points

Launching CLM from High Performance Call Reports

When users launch CLM from a call report on CRM Desktop, the call report is saved locally and the Media Library window displays. If the save is unsuccessful, the Media Library window does not open and an error message displays.

When users launch a CLM presentation from the CRM Desktop app and an overlay is open on the high performance call report—for example, a Medical Inquiry, Key Medical Insight, or Order created from the call report—the overlay remains open and the call remains unsaved. When call mode ends, CLM Key Messages are automatically added to the call, regardless of whether the user first ends call mode or closes the overlay.

Users cannot edit the following media-sensitive fields and sections while presenting CLM:

CLM slide tracking activity is updated on the call report in real time. For more information on CLM on the CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows) platforms, see Supported CLM Functionality on CRM Desktop (Mac) or Supported CLM Functionality on CRM Desktop (Windows).

Syncing Call Data

When users log in to the CRM Desktop app for the first time, call data from the online database syncs to the CRM Desktop app in the background. Users cannot create or edit calls during this initial sync. If users attempt to open a call report while the app is syncing, an error displays and they are prevented from opening the call report.

Call data automatically syncs to the CRM Desktop app daily, as long as the CRM Desktop app is running. If the app cannot complete the daily sync on the initial attempt, the sync automatically begins as soon as possible afterward.

If users schedule a call for the same day and then try to open it before call data is synced, the CRM Desktop app cannot open the call report. Users can select Sync to manually initiate a sync, or the CRM Desktop app will attempt to sync again as soon as possible after users attempt to open a call. Users may need to wait a few minutes before trying to open the call report again.

When users save or submit a call report, call data immediately begins syncing to the CRM online database.

When users cancel a call report, call data may have already been saved through an implicit save. If users cancel a call where an implicit save already occurred, data up to and including the last implicit save is synced. Data captured after the last implicit save is discarded.

Manually Syncing Call Data

Changes to CRM configuration or records are not reflected until users sync, similar to the sync behavior on the iPad platform. To receive changes to CRM configuration or records between automatic daily syncs, users can manually sync the CRM Desktop app.

To initiate a manual sync, select Sync from any of the following locations:

  • From the File menu of the Media Library
  • From sync notifications on the CRM Desktop app
  • Select the CRM Desktop app icon in the device’s status tray, then select Sync from the menu that displays

Resolving Sync Errors

Sync errors only display when users do not have any call reports open. Select the record listed in the error window to display more information about the error. If users open a call report when the sync error modal is open, the sync error modal is hidden until they close the call report.


  • The following items in the More Actions menu are not available for high performance call reports on CRM Desktop (Windows):
  • Send Email
  • Create Inventory Monitoring
  • Generate Invitations
  • The following items in the More Actions menu are not available for high performance call reports on CRM Desktop (Mac):
  • Create Medical Inquiry
  • Create Key Medical Insight
  • Send Email
  • Create Order
  • Create Inventory Monitoring
  • Schedule Engage Meeting
  • Generate Invitations
  • Users cannot schedule or start Engage meetings from high performance call reports on CRM Desktop (Mac)
  • For meeting hosts on the CRM Desktop (Windows) platform, enabling Creating Sample Transactions on Save in combination with Engage meeting and the high performance call report is not supported
  • On the CRM Desktop (Windows) platform, users can only create Key Medical Insights and Medical Inquiries when the call report is in Edit mode. If the –paa section signal is on the Call2_vod page layout and there are attendees on the call, users are prompted to select an account for the new Key Medical Insight or Medical Inquiry.
  • When users display CLM as part of a high performance unique activities group call, the CLM is associated with all accounts on the call. Users cannot select a specific account for the CLM.