Creating Surveys for Internal Use

  • iPad
  • Browser

Customers can execute Surveys for feedback and analysis from internal users (employees).

Unlike surveys for external users, the target accounts for internal surveys are users, not accounts, and can automatically be created based on selected territories and products. The user targeted for the survey is also the owner.

Open surveys, or surveys where end users select their own target accounts, are not supported for internal surveys.

Configuring Internal Surveys

To configure Internal Surveys:

  1. Grant admin and end users FLS edit permission to the Autotarget_vod field on the Survey_vod object.
  2. Grant admin and end users FLS edit permission to the User_vod field on the Survey_Target_vod objects.
  3. Grant access to the User_Survey_vod record type on the Survey_vod and Survey_Target_vod objects.
  4. Add the Autotarget_vod field on the Survey_object to the page layout. When selected, Targets are automatically created based on Territories and Products.
  5. Add the User_vod lookup field on the Survey_Target_vod object to the page layout.
  6. Edit the Survey_Target_vod VMOC's WHERE clause for existing iPad users:
    WHERE ((Account_vod__r.Name != null OR User_vod__c = @@VOD_SF_USER_ID@@) AND Status_vod__c != 'Development_vod' AND Start_Date_vod__c <= TODAY)

Internal Surveys in CLM are only available in training content on the iPad. The Survey button displays if the following criteria are met:

  • The CLM presentation has a lookup to an internal Survey
  • The CLM presentation is a training presentation
  • The Survey_Overlay_vod check box on the CLM_Presentation_vod object is selected
  • The end user has an existing target account record with a status of pending or saved

Using Internal Surveys

When creating an internal survey, use the User_Survey_vod record type on the Survey_vod and Survey_Target_vod objects.

Automatic Targeting of Internal Surveys

If the Autotarget_vod check box is selected:

  • The assignment type is Territory - a Survey Target is created for all users in the selected Territories
  • The assignment type is Product and Territory – a Survey Target is created for all users in the selected Territories with MySetup as the selected Product
  • If the Territory or Product changes – any Survey Targets meeting the new criteria are added, and ones not meeting the criteria that are In Development and deleted

If the Autotarget_vod check box is not selected for an existing Survey, Survey Targets with a status of Pending are deleted.

Survey admins can manually add and remove Targets when the Autotarget_vod check box is selected.

Publishing and Cloning Internal Surveys

Publishing must be setup through the Veeva MC Engine using the Territories_vod field for multiple territory selections in order to publish an Internal Survey.

When cloning an Internal Survey, the Survey Edit page displays with the data from the cloned record. If the Autotarget_vod check box is not selected, the user has the option of cloning the Survey with the existing Targets.