Using the China CDN for Multichannel Content

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To improve load times and overall performance for multichannel content, Veeva Vault can replicate multichannel content (including multichannel slide documents) to a local, China-hosted content delivery network (CDN) for Veeva CRM users in China. Admins can control which documents are replicated to the China CDN.

Multichannel slide documents created via auto-publishing for Approved WeChat cannot be replicated to the China CDN.

Multichannel content replicated to the China CDN is still available on the global CDN for users who are not configured to use the China CDN.

Admins should update the document workflow and life cycle management in Vault as required to ensure document fields on multichannel content delivered to China are appropriately populated and identify all existing multichannel documents to be delivered to China before updating them.

Configuring the China CDN

To request the China CDN for Vault, customers must submit a support ticket with the following information:

Submit separate tickets for CLM and Approved WeChat.

  • Subject: Enable China CDN for XXXX Customer
  • Type of multichannel content being enabled: Approved WeChat or CLM
  • Vault ID
  • Vault URL
  • Salesforce Production CRM Org ID (18 digit) for the Veeva CRM org supporting the China users

    The org should have the Engage Metadata Sync or CLM Vault integration configured.

To configure multichannel content in Vault for the China CDN, activate the Use China CDN document field. See Distributing Content to China (PromoMats & MedComms) for more information.

To configure CRM users for the China CDN:

  1. Grant end users FLS read permission to the Alternate_CDN_vod field on the User object.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Manage Users > Users.
  3. Edit the appropriate user.
  4. Select China CDN for the Alternate_CDN_vod field.

The Use China CDN field does not need to be mapped from Vault to CRM to successfully sync content. However, mapping it to CRM can help admins verify the correct content is replicated to the China CDN. To map the Use China CDN field to CRM and track key messages for CLM content shared in China, admins can create a custom boolean field on the Key_Message_vod object corresponding to the Use China CDN document field in Vault and grant admins FLS edit permission to the custom field. See Managing Field Mappings Between Vault and CRM for more information.

Using the China CDN

The Vault Distribution object tracks the distribution of multichannel content to the CDN. Customers can view the distribution records for documents replicated to the China CDN to ensure the Use China CDN field is set to Yes.

To prevent sync failures when syncing content from Vault, CRM users configured for the China CDN must only have access to multichannel content records delivered to the China CDN.