Labeling Presentations

  • CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

Users can organize presentations by creating and adding labels. Using labels helps to quickly identify the appropriate presentation to use especially if the user has a large library of presentations. Labels and directories cannot be applied at the same time.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality. Ensure a VMOC is active for the RecordType object.


  • Custom labels are unique to individual users and cannot be shared with other users
  • Labels are case insensitive

Managing Custom Labels

To create and apply a custom label:

  1. Navigate to CLM Presentations.
  2. Select the More Actions button for the appropriate presentation.

  3. Select Add Labels.
  4. Create a custom label or select from the list of existing custom labels. Presentations can have multiple labels and a label can be applied to multiple presentations.

  5. Select Save.

Users can also create custom labels from the Filter menu by selecting the Create New Label button.

When a user creates a label, a Content_Preference_vod record with the CLM_Presentation_Label_vod record type is created. When the label is removed, the corresponding Content_Preference_vod record is deleted.

All Content_Preference_vod records related to a presentation are deleted when the presentation is deleted.

Selecting the Edit button from the Filter menu enables users to edit or delete existing labels:

  • To delete a label, select the red circle button, then select Delete
  • To rename a label, select the pencil button

Managing Labels in Veeva CRM on Desktop

To create a label:

  1. Select the More Actions button.
  2. Select Add Labels.

  3. Enter a label name or select from the list of existing labels. Presentations can have multiple labels and a label can be applied to multiple presentations.

  4. Press Enter or select Create Label “<name>”.

To remove a label from a presentation, select the label in the labels modal.

To rename a label:

  1. Select the Filter button.
  2. Right-select the appropriate label.
  3. Select Rename.

  4. Enter the new name.
  5. Press Enter or select outside of the text box.

Filtering by Custom Labels

To filter by custom labels:

  1. Select the Filter button.
  2. Select all appropriate labels to display. The number of presentations using the label displays next to the label name.
  3. Select Apply.

Labels cannot be filtered if there is already an applied directory.