Adding Assignment Rules to Surveys

Assignment Rules determine ownership of survey target records for targeted accounts after a survey is published. They also determine which end users can create survey target records for Open surveys and which accounts can be surveyed.

The Survey_vod object stores the Assignment Rules for a survey using the following fields:

  • Open_vod (label Allow users to select targets) - the Survey module allows survey admins to create their own list of target accounts. Alternatively, end users can select their own target accounts for a particular survey. A hybrid model can also be used, with some predefined target accounts and the ability for end users to select their own target accounts. If the Open_vod check box is selected, end users can select their own targets for a survey. Only end users within the selected territory have the ability to select their own target accounts.
  • Territory_vod (label Included User Territories) - this field contains a single territory node. When publishing a survey, only users within this territory and all its child territories are selected as owners for survey target records for targeted accounts. Furthermore, if a survey is an Open survey, only users within the territory node can select their own target accounts. For more information on this field, see Survey Not Available for Survey Target Creation Online in CRM.
  • Assignment_Type_vod (label Assignment Type) - this field determines how survey targets are assigned to end users during the Publish process. Assignment Types include:
  • Territory_vod (label Territory) - the system compares account territories with users territories, only looking at users within the territories selected in the Included User Territories drop-down list. If there is an overlapping territory between a user and the account, that user is selected as the owner of the survey target record. If there is more than one active user, the system selects the first active user retrieved as the owner of the survey target record.
  • Product_vod (label Product and Territory) - works the same as the Territory Assignment Type. However, an added layer of product is used to further filter end users to select the correct user to own a survey target record. Aside from an overlapping territory between an account and a user, only users with My Setup access to the selected product are assigned survey target ownership.
  • Product_vod (label Product) - a product must be selected if using the Product and Territory Assignment Type. Only products of type Detail, Detail Group, and Detail Topic may be selected. Product can be used in determining end user assignments to survey target records . An end user's ability to create or complete a survey target record for an account respects the Allowed Products and Restricted Products limits of the account. Product selection does not prevent end users from selecting their own target accounts in Open surveys if the product is not on the end user's My Setup list.

Failed Assignments

There are two main causes of failed assignments:

  • No users were found who match the assignment rules
  • The system attempted to assign a Survey Target record to a user who does not have Read permission to the Survey_Target_vod object. In this case, an entire individual batch (200 records) will fail, so it is possible that all assignments will fail.

All assignment failures are assigned to the user who published the survey. This user can inspect results by selecting the Survey Target tab and using a view filtered by ownership. This view must be created within the org.