DCR Results
DCRs contain header details such as the DCR type, timestamps, and other general info. A DCR Line object contains information primarily about the fields being edited and points back to the DCR Header. A DCR Header may have a number of DCR Lines pointing to it. Both the DCR Header and DCR Lines contain result information.
Results in DCR Header
- Accepted - All changes are accepted
- Rejected – All changes are rejected
- Partial - At least one field change was accepted (see fields for details)
Results in DCR Line
- Accepted - The changes are accepted
- Rejected - The changes are rejected
- Modified - The change for this field is accepted with differences (modified by a data steward or administrator)
- Already Applied - The change for this field is applied (another DCR was previously processed with the same change)
Localized DCR Items
Localized labels for DCR line values display so users can review DCRs easily. This includes the following values:
- Date
- DateTime
- Number
- Picklist
- Multi-Select Picklist
- Record Type
- Lookup
- Phone
- Currency
When localized DCR line values are enabled, DCR-related fields are automatically translated to the user's language and, for date and time fields, format.
To enable localized DCR line values:
- Grant the user FLS edit permission to the following fields on the Data_Change_Request_Line_vod object:
- Old_Localized_Value_vod
- Remove the following fields from the Data Change Request Line Detail page layout:
- Old_Value_vod
- Add the following fields to the Data Change Request Line Detail page layout:
- Old_Localized_Value_vod