Displaying Sales Goals and Targets in Fixed Reports

  • Browser
  • iPad

Sales goals and targets are displayed alongside actual historic sales within Fixed Reports. Sales goals are loaded through the exact same process as a regular sales files and display as dashed lines on the same trend graph. Goals files have their own data map templates, which should be named so that it is clear that the data map template refers to a goal file.

A goal file is very similar to a regular sales file, with all the same fields:

  • Product (only company products should be loaded as goals)
  • Market (optional, as in regular sales files)
  • Buckets
  • Weekly or monthly
  • Territory level (i.e. a pre-aggregated file), Account level, or Brick level

Configuring Sales Goals and Targets

  1. Select the Contains Goals check box for the goals file’s data map template.
  2. Load a goals file via FTP and process it through the Analytics Admin page.
  3. Select the ENABLE_VINSIGHTS_FILTERS_CONFIG Veeva Setting check box.
  4. Place the Display Goals check box on the appropriate page layout for the Analytics_Layouts_vod object, by adding the appropriate button to different reports:
    Fixed ReportButton
    Territory Sales AnalysisTSA_Display_Goals_vod
    Territory ComparisonTC_Display_Goals_vod
    Efforts vs. ResultsER_Display_Goals_vod
    Account SummaryAn_Rpt_Display_Goals_vod

Displaying Sales Goals and Targets

When generating the reports, the goals data displays according to the same filters selected at the top of the Fixed Reports dashboard. To display goals within the reports, select the Display Goals check box.

Admins can also set the text color of the goal attainment column in the VINSIGHTS_Goal_Threshold Veeva Setting. This setting consists of two comma separated numbers. If attainment is less than the first number, the attainment percentage displays in red. If the attainment falls between the two numbers, the attainment percentage displays in yellow. Otherwise, it displays in green.