Managing Digital Business Cards

  • Android
  • Browser
  • iPad
  • iPhone

The digital business card (DBC) is a user profile for CRM users in Engage Connect. HCPs are automatically connected to CRM users after every Engage meeting and can view a user’s digital business card. HCPs can also view digital business cards when they are not signed into Engage. This makes it easy and convenient for HCPs to access a user’s contact information. Admins and users can manage the DBC information available to HCPs from Veeva CRM.

Managing digital business card information from CRM is not supported for Android users.

Configuring Digital Business Cards

To enable digital business cards:

  1. Ensure admins have access to the Engage Connect Administration Visualforce page tab.
  2. Grant admins the following permissions:



    Record Types



    • Country_Code_vod
    • Email
    • MobilePhone
    • Name (FirstName, LastName)
    • Title
    • User_Type_vod




    • Digital_Business_Card_Country_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Email_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_First_Name_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Last_Name_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Role_vod


    • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Photo_URL_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod


  3. Grant users the following permissions:



    Record Types



    • Country_Code_vod
    • Email
    • MobilePhone
    • Name (FirstName, LastName)
    • Title
    • User_Type_vod




    • Digital_Business_Card_Country_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Email_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_First_Name_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Last_Name_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Role_vod


    • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Photo_URL_vod

      Do not place the Digital_Business_Card_Photo_URL_vod field on the page layout for end users.

    • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod


    To allow users to manage any of these fields for themselves in their CRM profile, grant FLS Edit permission.

  4. Add the following fields to the User_Detail_vod page layout for admins and users:
    • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
    • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod
  5. Ensure the Country_Code_vod field is populated on the User record for each user.
  6. Navigate to the Engage Connect Administration tab.
  7. Populate the User Profile Company Name field. Optionally, populate the Primary Color and Secondary Color fields using the appropriate hexadecimal color codes without the # sign, for example, 000000 or ffffff.
  8. Select Save.

Managing Digital Business Card Information

After DBCs are configured, a profile is automatically created in Engage Connect when a user syncs their device for the first time. Admins can manage the DBCs for a group of users at once or for an individual user. Users can manage their own DBC information from the Veeva CRM app on iOS devices.

Users can update their profile photos in either Engage Connect or Veeva CRM for iOS, not both. Users using Engage Connect on Android cannot update any other profile information.

Updating Digital Business Cards as an Admin

When admins update any of the following fields on the User and User_Detail_vod records, the corresponding user profiles are immediately created or updated in Engage Connect:

  • User_Detail_vod object
  • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod
  • User object
  • Country_Code_vod
  • Email

    Changes to the Email field do not update in Engage Connect until both the user confirms the change via the confirmation email and the admin makes another change that needs to sync to Engage Connect, for example, updating another digital business card field or changing the user's membership in an Engage Connect group.

  • FName
  • LName
  • User_Type_vod

Admins can only update the Country_Code_vod, Email, Fname, Lname, or User_Type_vod information for a user from the User record. These fields on the User object always override the corresponding fields on the User_Detail_vod object. Admins cannot edit these User_Detail_vod fields, but they can report on them to analyze information about their Engage Connect users.

Field on User Object Corresponding Field on User_Detail_vod Object
Country_Code_vod Digital_Business_Card_Country_vod
Email Digital_Business_Card_Email_vod
FName Digital_Business_Card_First_Name_vod
LName Digital_Business_Card_Last_Name_vod
User_Type_vod Digital_Business_Card_Role_vod

To update the digital business card for an individual user:

  1. Navigate to the User or User_Detail_vod record for the user.
  2. Edit the appropriate fields. For User_Detail_vod records, API names for fields related to digital business cards start with Digital_Business_Card_, for example, Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod.
  3. Select Save.

To update DBCs for a group of users at once, admins can data load the User and User_Detail_vod records for the users with the appropriate fields populated.

The changes are synced to Engage Connect and updated. If a corresponding DBC does not already exist for a user in Engage Connect, one is created and populated with the DBC information from Veeva CRM.

Updating Digital Business Cards as a CRM User

When users update any of the following fields on their own User_Detail_vod records, the corresponding user profiles are created or updated in Engage Connect after the changes are uploaded via autosync:

  • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod

To update their own profile information:

  1. Navigate to My Profile in Veeva CRM for iPad or iPhone.

  2. Edit the fields appropriately. The corresponding fields on the User_Detail_vod record are automatically updated.
  3. Select the Edit button on the profile photo to update the photo. The following options are available:
    • Take a Photo – Launches the camera app. If Veeva CRM app does not have access to the camera, a prompt displays for users to grant Veeva CRM access to it.
    • Choose from Library – Launches the photo library. If Veeva CRM app does not have access to the photo library, a prompt displays for users to grant Veeva CRM access to it.
    • Remove Photo – This option only displays when there is an existing photo

    The Digital_Business_Card_Photo_URL_vod on the User_Detail_vod record is automatically updated.

    Updating profile photos in the My Profile tab are only supported for orgs managed by Veeva. Profile photos must be JPEG images. Veeva recommends using photos less than 10 MB with a maximum size of 600 by 600 pixels. Photos exceeding these dimensions are automatically cropped.

  4. Select Save.

Auto-Populating Digital Business Card Information in the My Profile Tab

If the following User_Detail_vod fields are not populated or a User_Detail_vod record does not exist for a user, the User_Detail_vod record is created or updated with the Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod and Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod fields automatically populated from the User record when the user views the My Profile tab:

  • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Photo_URL_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod

An Engage Connect profile is created once the User_Detail_vod record syncs online.

Previewing Digital Business Cards as a CRM User

Previewing DBCs is only available on the App Store version of Veeva CRM for iPad and iPhone. Previewing DBCs is not supported in Veeva CRM for Android.

Users can preview their own digital business cards in a view-only mode from the My Profile tab. The preview displays the user’s digital business card as it displays to HCPs who are not signed into Engage. Previews are not tracked as views to the digital business card.

Users can navigate directly to the My Profile tab by selecting their profile icon in the top right corner of the Engage tab or from the Options tab.

Select Preview Digital Business Card to preview the digital business card in the embedded browser.

Viewing Digital Business Cards as an HCP

HCPs who are not signed into Engage can also view digital business cards for CRM users by selecting the CRM user's connection invite link or scanning their QR code. The digital business card includes the CRM user's profile information and available contact methods. See Sending Engage Connection Invites to HCPs for more information about connection invite links.

If an HCP is already signed into Engage and selects a CRM user’s connection invite link, they automatically connect to the user, and the user’s digital business card displays.

HCPs who are not signed into Engage can perform the following actions from the digital business card:

  • Select the mobile number to make a phone call, if a phone number is available for the CRM user
  • Select the email address to compose an email
  • Select Save (mobile) or Save Contact (desktop) to save the CRM user’s contact information to their device’s address book
  • Select regulatory links to view brand information in the browser

HCPs must sign into Engage to perform the following actions:

Performing any of these actions from the digital business card automatically connects the HCP to the CRM user, once the HCP finishes signing up or signing in.

When the HCP is not signed into Engage, their views and interactions with digital business cards are tracked as anonymous activity in the Rep Profile Activity Report. See Rep Profile Activity Report for more information.

Additionally, customers can export the connection invite links for users with digital business cards enabled via the company configuration file. See Creating the Company Configuration File for more information.

To ensure digital business cards display correctly to HCPs, admins can test digital business cards in in a sandbox org. See Testing Veeva Engage in Sandboxes for more information.

Migrating Digital Business Cards from Engage Connect to Veeva CRM

For users with DBCs enabled before 23R3.4, Veeva migrates the following information from Engage Connect to the appropriate User_Detail_vod records in Veeva CRM:

  • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Photo_URL_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod

If a user does not have a User_Detail_vod record, Veeva creates the record and populates it appropriately.

Migrating Display Names

  • If the Display_Name_vod field is populated in Engage Connect, the value is stamped on the Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod field on the User_Detail_vod record
  • If the Display_Name_vod field is not populated in Engage Connect, and the first name and last name values in Engage Connect match the first name and last name values in Veeva CRM, the Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod field on the User_Detail_vod record remains blank
  • If the Display_Name_vod field is not populated in Engage Connect, and the first name and last name values in Engage Connect do not match the first name and last name values in Veeva CRM, the Display_Name_vod field is populated with the appropriate format according to the user's country:
  • Taiwan, Japan, or Korea: [Last name][First name]
  • All other countries: [First name] [Last name]


By default, users have FLS Edit permission for the following fields on the User_Detail_vod object:

  • Digital_Business_Card_Display_Name_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Phone_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Photo_URL_vod
  • Digital_Business_Card_Title_vod

Admins can remove the permissions for these fields if users do not manage their digital business cards in CRM.

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