Record State Handling

The Record_State__v field is used to indicate the different stages of a record’s life cycle in Network. If the state is changed to indicate the record is no longer used, it does not display in the Network UI. Now, in CRM, the record is not imported and the existing record is hidden or deleted from the system. This eliminates errors and inconsistency between CRM and Network.

Records are processed in CRM based on their Record_State__v in Network. If the record is new to CRM and the record state is not VALID or UNDER_REVIEW, the record is not imported.

The following tables define what is imported to CRM based on the record state in Network:

Entity Record State Action Note
Account VALID Sync to CRM via import or subscription  



If the record is new to CRM, it is not imported. If the record exists in CRM:

• Territories assigned using ATL are removed from the account. The territories removed using ATL are determined by the ATL Mode. See Processing Changes to ATL Records for details.

• The Integration user becomes the owner

• Customer Master Status = Rejected

MERGED_INTO If record exists in CRM, it is merged. If it is new, it is not imported.  



These record state values only apply to child entity  
UNDER_REVIEW The record is imported to CRM, Account Customer Master Status is set to Under Review Only if Data Change Request Mode Veeva Custom Setting is set to 2


Entity Record State Action Note
Child Account VALID Sync to CRM via import or subscription  






The record is deleted in CRM  
UNDER_REVIEW The record is not imported to CRM  


Entity Record State Action Note
Address VALID Sync to CRM via import or subscription  




If the record is new to CRM, it is not imported. If the record exists in CRM, the Inactive flag is selected and the Customer_Master_Status_vod__c field on the Address object is set to Rejected_vod.  



If the selected address exists in CRM, the Inactive flag is selected on the merge loser address and the Customer_Master_Status_vod__c field on the Address object is set to Rejected_vod. All field values that do not exist in the merge winner address are copied to the winner address.

If a merge winner does not exist in CRM when a merge is propagated, instead of setting the loser address to inactive and the Customer_Master_Status_vod__c field to Rejected_vod, the loser address is updated with the winning address' Network external Id.

UNDER_REVIEW The record is imported to CRM, Address Customer Master Status is set to Under Review Only if Data Change Request Mode Veeva Custom Setting is set to 2

CRM uses a flag (Inactive_vod__c) on Address object to indicate address status, while Network uses picklist Address_Status__v. In order to ensure address status is consistent, it is recommended to create a custom field in CRM with the same picklist values, and map it to Address_Status__v. Then create workflow rules to update Inactive_vod__c based on Network address status.

Sample workflow rules:

  • Activate an address:
  • If Network Address_Status__v is Active, and Customer_Master_Status_vod__c is not Rejected_vod, then set Inactive_vod__c = False
  • Deactivate an address:
  • If Network Address_Status__v is Inactive, or Customer_Master_Status_vod__c is Rejected_vod, then set Inactive_vod__c = True
Entity Record State Action Note
License VALID Sync to CRM via import or subscription  






Remove all relevant license values on the associated address  
UNDER_REVIEW The record is not imported to CRM  

A MERGE_INACTIVATED record state occurs in two cases: when a customer-owned record is merged with a Veeva-owned record or when two Veeva-owned records are merged in the Master system. In the first scenario, the Veeva-owned record takes priority and the children of the customer-owned record are deactivated. In the second scenario, the children of the losing record are deactivated.