Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account Plan Page

  • Browser
  • iPad

Key account managers and account team members can view account plan information and track specific account progress from one location with the Veeva-provided custom MyInsights Account Plan page.

You cannot edit custom MyInsights pages using MyInsights Studio, including Veeva-provided custom pages. You can only import and deploy them in MyInsights Studio. Only pages created in MyInsights Studio can be edited with MyInsights Studio. See Managing Custom Pages in MyInsights Studio.

For example, Sarah Jones is monitoring the Newton Memorial Hospital 2017 Plan. She views the MyInsights Account Plan page to inspect the Account Plan progress, sales data, and team member activity. Sarah views the sales data widget to observe specific trends with her team. She uses this information to determine her next plan of action when visiting Dr. Ackerman.

You cannot use My Insights Studio to edit OOTB MyInsights pages.

Configuring the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account Plan Page

To enable the MyInsights Account Plan page for end users: 

  1. Ensure Account Plans are configured.
  2. Grant end users the following permissions:
    ObjectOLSRecord TypesFieldsFLS
    • Account_vod
    • Active_vod
    • Health_vod
    • Status
    • Description_vod
    • Plan_Tactic_Progress_vod
    • Percent_Complete_vod
    Account_Tactic_vod Rn/a
    • Account_Plan_vod
    • Account_vod
    • Name
    • Complete_vod
    • Plan_Tactic_vod
    • Account_Plan_vod
    • Team_Member_Name_vod
    • Role_vod
    • Account_Tactic_vod
    • Name_vod
    • Completed_Flag_vod
    • From_Date_vod
    • To_Date_vod
    Key_Stakeholder_vod Rn/a
    • Account_Plan_vod
    • Key_Stakeholder_Name_vod
    • Role_vod
    • Stakeholder_Owner_Name_vod
    • Account_Plan_vod
    • Name
    • Status_vod
  3. Create or activate VMOCs for the following objects:
    • Account_Plan_vod
    • Account_Tactic_vod (optional)
    • Account_Team_Member_vod
    • Action_Items_vod (optional)
    • Call_Objective_vod (optional)
    • Key_Stakeholder_vod
    • Plan_Tactic_vod
  4. Download the Account Plan Dashboard content zip file.
  5. Create an HTML_Report_vod record with the Account_Plan_vod record type and attach the content zip file. See Creating MyInsights Content for more information.

For Browser users:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate user profiles.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select the View All Custom Settings check box in the Administrative Permissions section.

Viewing the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account Plan Page

Users can select an account plan to display the MyInsights Account Plan page, which includes the following information:

  • Account Plan Information
  • Plan Tactics
  • Account Tactics
  • Call Objectives
  • Upcoming
  • Key Stakeholders
  • Team Members
  • Sales Data

If either Call Objectives or Plan Tactics are configured, users can view a progress widget for incomplete call objectives and account plans. The widget dynamically adjusts to display the full records of the objects configured.

If the Account Sales Dashboard is configured, users can view a sales widget for account-level sales data.

The Sales Data widget in MyInsights is not supported online.

The MyInsights Account Plan page also supports Action Items.

To allow online users to view MyInsights content from an account plan, see Viewing MyInsights Content Online for more information.