Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account-Based Selling Page

  • iPad

Account Plans display all related plans, strategies, tactics, and executed activities for a key account. This aids users in Account-Based Selling, a business-to-business sales model that targets accounts rather than specific leads. Account Plans enables users to track status, measure progress, and take action on the Call Objectives associated with an Account Plan. Users can also enable the Key Account Manager to edit plan information, such as updating progress or changing a plan's status.

You cannot edit custom MyInsights pages using MyInsights Studio, including Veeva-provided custom pages. You can only import and deploy them in MyInsights Studio. Only pages created in MyInsights Studio can be edited with MyInsights Studio. See Managing Custom Pages in MyInsights Studio.


To enable this feature:

  1. Enable the KAM_ENABLE Veeva Setting with a value of 1. The default value is zero.

    The KAM_ENABLE Veeva Setting is ignored when determining Account Plan Tab visibility if the TAB_NAV_DISPLAY Veeva Setting is populated. However, Account Plan functionality and Account Plan HTML Report visibility are still based on the KAM_ENABLE Veeva Setting.

  2. Grant the user profile Read access to the Account_Plan_vod object.
  3. Ensure the relationship between the Account_Plan_vod and Account_vod object is a lookup relationship.
  4. Create the following VMOCs for these objects:
  • Account_Plan_vod – WHERE Id in (select Account_Plan_vod__c from Account_Tactic_vod__c)
  • Key_Stakeholder_vod - WHERE Account_Plan_vod__c in (Select Account_Plan_vod__c from Account_Tactic_vod__c)


Users can access Account Plans from the top level menu or the Home Page. From the Account Plan, users can view Account Plan details and view Call Objectives associated with the Account Plan. Users can view Account Plans that have at least one Call Objective associated to an Account they own.

Users can create custom Account Plan pages using MyInsights Studio.

For additional information, see Using the Veeva-Provided Custom MyInsights Account Plan Page.