Displaying Allowed Products on the Account Overview Page

  • Browser
  • iPad

Users can view allowed products for each account on the Account Overview Panels. Only products assigned to the user display. This information enables users to quickly identify the products they are permitted to discuss with an account, for efficient call planning and reporting. For example, Sarah Jones is only allowed to detail Labrinone and Cholecap to Dr. Ackerman. Based on the allowed products displayed on Dr. Ackerman’s Account Overview page, Sarah creates a call to detail Cholecap to Dr. Ackerman.


  • If there are no restrictions for that user for the account, a message displays when the user selects the View link. The message text is stored in the NO_PRODUCT_RESTRICTIONS_WARNING Veeva Message.
  • If the user does not have any allowed products for that account, a message displays when the user selects the View link. The message text is stored in the NO_PRODUCTS_ALLOWED_WARNING Veeva Message.

Configuring Allowed Products on the Account Overview

To enable this feature, grant users FLS read permission to the Allowed_Products_vod field on the TSF_vod object.