Engage Group Management

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The Engage group management process enables admins to control user assignment to Engage Groups via the User object, enabling assignment to be controlled via data-loading and user management integrations.

Configuring Enhanced Engage Group Management

To configure this feature:

  1. Grant users responsible for managing group membership FLS edit permission to the following User fields:

    • Engage_Group_Request_vod
    • Engage_Group_Provisioning_Status_vod
    • Engage_Group_vod
    • Remote_Meeting_Host_Id_vod
    • Remote_Meeting_Host_Token_vod
  2. Add the following fields to the appropriate User object page layout:

    • Engage_Group_Request_vod
    • Engage_Group_Provisioning_Status_vod
    • Engage_Group_vod

Best Practices for Assigning and Removing Users

Admins can assign or remove users in bulk via data-loading. Organizations who manage Engage group membership via data-loading should adhere to the following best practices:

  • Data should only be upserted to the Engage_Group_Request_vod field
  • Due to how Salesforce batches upsert requests, removing users from a group should be completed as a separate job before upserting new or updated assignments

Additionally, before deactivating a user in Salesforce, the user must be removed from the Engage Group to free the license and prevent errors if the Engage Group is deleted.

Assigning and Removing Users to Groups

To assign or remove an existing user from an Engage Group:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate User record.
  2. Update the Engage_Group_Request_vod field to either the appropriate Engage Group name, if assigning, or to be blank, if removing.

    To remove a user from an Engage Group when the Engage_Group_Request_vod field is already blank, update the Engage_Group_Provisioning_Status_vod field to Retry_Request_vod.

  3. Select Save.

The Engage_Group_Request_vod field must be populated by an active, valid admin user. Engage groups cannot be managed by users without valid session IDs.

After saving, the Engage_Group_Provisioning_Status_vod field indicates the status of the requested update as it is processed by the Engage Server:

  • Request_Sent_vod – The request has not yet been processed by the Engage Server
  • No_Licenses_Remaining_vod – The request failed due to a lack of available licenses
  • Invalid_Group_Name_vod – The entered Engage Group name did not match a group name on the Engage Server
  • Request_Failed_vod – The requested assignment failed
  • Success_vod – The requested assignment succeeded

Once the assignment is successful, the following fields automatically update for the User record:

  • Engage_Group_vod – Updates to match the Engage_Group_Request_vod field
  • Engage_Group_Provisioning_Status_vod – Updates to Success_vod
  • Remote_Meeting_Host_Id_vod
  • Remote_Meeting_Host_Token_vod

If anything prevents the provisioning process from updating the Engage_Group_vod and Engage_Group_Provisioning_Status_vod fields, they may not reflect the information on the Engage Server. Admins can verify current server information from the Engage meeting Administration tab.

Retrying Provisioning Requests

If the provisioning request failed for any reason, for example, if the admin attempted to add a user when zero Engage licenses remained, admins can retry the request after making the appropriate correction by updating the Engage_Group_Provisioning_Status_vod field to Retry_Request_vod.

Retry_Request_vod is the only value of this picklist admins should manually select. All other values are set by the system and should not be selected.