Color Coding Planned Calls in My Schedule

  • Browser
  • iPad

To customize and organize their calendars, users can change the sidebar (iPad only) or main colors of planned calls (Browser only) from the default teal color to any one of 25 predefined colors.

For example, when planning calls, Sarah Jones wants to indicate whether a planned call represents a confirmed appointment or a time slot during which she intends to drop by the HCP’s office. Using color coding, she changes the color for confirmed calls to yellow. When she reviews her schedule later in the week, Sarah sees at a glance that her call to Dr. Ackerman is a confirmed call. She leaves time to arrive at Dr. Ackerman’s office early, to ensure she is on time for their meeting.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Color Coding is not supported in Lightning for My Schedule.

Selecting Colors for Planned Calls

To change the display color for a planned call:

  1. Select a call from My Schedule’s Week View or Map View (for Browser users, right-click the call).

  2. Select the Status field (Browser) or sidebar option (iPad) to display the Color Picker. To close the pop-up without changing the entry color, select anywhere outside the pop-up.

  3. Select a color from the grid. Selecting a color in the color palette changes the entry color for Browser users, or sidebar color for iPad users. The selected color is stored in the Color_vod field on the Call2_vod object.

Users should not add colors to or remove colors from the Color Picker.

Default My Schedule Entry Colors

The default color for calls, calendar entries, and other events varies depending on the platform and call or entry type:

Entry Type

Browser and iOS Colors

Planned Call

light teal with white stripes

Saved Call

dark teal

Unsubmitted Call (planned in the past)

red with white stripes

Submitted Call


Saved in the Past


Time Off Territory


Calendar Entry (SFDC Event)


EM Events and Medical Events


Microsoft Outlook entries


Platform Specific Details


For iPad users, selecting a color changes the entry’s sidebar color, rather than changing the entire entry’s color. Changing the sidebar color is not available for saved or submitted calls.