Tracking Approved Email Activity

  • iPad
  • Browser

End users and content admins can track activity generated from a sent Approved Email to gain insight on which kinds of activity and content are most frequently accessed by recipients. Tracking Approved Email activity enables end users to review the efficacy of sent emails and adjust sending habits to best suit each account relationship. Content admins can review Approved Email activity to learn how Approved Email content is being used by recipients, leading to optimization of content.

Email activity is tracked using the following objects:

  • Sent_Email_vod – A Sent Email is generated for every successfully sent or scheduled Approved Email. Sent Emails contain references to the generated HTML content of the email, enabling end users and admins to quickly see the actual sent contents of the email.
  • Email_Activity_vod – Email Activity records are generated whenever activity is logged on a sent email. These records are associated with Sent_Email_vod records. A Sent Email can reference many Email Activities, but each Email Activity is only associated with one Sent Email.

If a recipient forwards an email to someone else, no event is generated to track that the message was forwarded. Any activities performed in the forwarded email are tracked as if they were performed by the original recipient.


Due to supporting Universal Linking on the iOS HCP Engage app, click tracking is not supported for Approved Emails containing the following tokens:

  • {{Call2_vod__c.Cobrowse_URL_Participant_vod__c}}
  • {{EM_Attendee_vod__c.Webinar_Participant_URL_vod__c}}
  • {{EM_Event_Speaker_vod__c.Webinar_Panelist_URL_vod__c}}

Storing Sent Email Content

A Sent Email record can record up to 262,144 HTML characters worth of content of a sent Approved Email. The first 131,072 characters of content is stored in the Email_Content_vod field of the Sent Email. If there are more than 131,072 characters, the remaining characters up to the maximum are stored in the Email_Content2_vod field.

Stamping Sent Emails with Source Information

The following Sent_Email_vod fields automatically stamp with contextual information to inform end users and content admins the circumstances around when the email was sent:

  • Territory_vod – References the sender's territory. If the sender belongs to multiple territories, this field references the first common territory between the user and the recipient.
  • Email_Source_vod – References the field that was the source of the recipient’s email address.

    For example, if Dr. Ackerman is the recipient of an Approved Email, and the source of the email address used to send him the email is the PersonEmail field on his account, the Email_Source_vod field on the resulting Sent Email is Account.PersonEmail.

  • Email_Config_Values_vod – Stamps consent information, if applicable, and indicates if a test email address was used

Sent Email Statuses

The Status_vod field on the Sent_Email_vod object indicates the status of the sent email:

  • Approved_vod – Used by the Reviewing Approved Emails Before Sending feature
  • Bounced_vod – The email was successfully delivered to the recipient's email server, but was not delivered to the recipient's mailbox. This may happen if the mailbox could not be found by the server.
  • Delivered_vod – The email was successfully delivered to the recipient's email server
  • Dropped_vod – The email was not delivered to the recipient's server. This may be because the email address is in the Email Engine's suppression list. Any email sent to an email address with an existing bounced record automatically receives a status of Dropped.
  • Failed_vod – CRM did not successfully send the email, either due to expired content or the presence of an opt-out record. The reason for failure is stamped on the Status_Details_vod field
  • Group_vod – The email was sent from a group call. The associated business account does not receive the email, but is still tracked with this status.
  • Marked_Spam_vod – The email was successfully delivered to the recipient's email server, but the server marked the email as spam
  • Pending_vod
  • Pending_Approval_vod – Used by the Reviewing Approved Emails Before Sending feature
  • Rejected_vod – Used by the Reviewing Approved Emails Before Sending feature
  • Saved_vod – The email was sent from CRM and is awaiting confirmation from the server
  • Scheduled_vod – The email has been scheduled to be sent from CRM
  • Sent_vod – The email engine successfully sent the email but has not yet received confirmation of delivery
  • Unsubscribed_vod – The email was delivered successfully and the recipient unsubscribed via the link in the email

Email Activity Event Types

The Event_Type_vod picklist on the Email_Activity_vod is automatically populated when the record is created and indicates the type of activity:

  • Opened_vod – The email was opened by the recipient. Mailgun tracks Opened events based on an image in the email rendering in the recipient's email client, usually a 1x1 pixel transparent image. If the recipient opens the email, the image downloads from the sending server, indicating the email was opened.

    Opened events are imprecise due to email clients behaving differently. There are scenarios where the email is opened, but an Opened event is not tracked, for example, if the email client rendered the email as plain-text, or if the email client cannot display images. To help improve the accuracy of tracking opened emails, Veeva automatically creates an Opened event if a Clicked event is logged and no Opened event already exists.

  • Clicked_vod – A link in the email was selected
  • Unsubscribed_vod – The recipient completed the unsubscribe process. Generates an opt-out Multichannel_Consent_vod record.
  • Unsubscribed_All_vod – The email was delivered successfully and the recipient completed the global Approved Email unsubscribe process. Generates an opt-out Multichannel_Consent_vod record and expires any previous opt-ins.
  • Bounced_vod – The delivery of the email failed.

    If the email bounced, the email address is added to the suppression list and any email sent to the address are automatically dropped. To remove an address from the suppression list, contact Veeva support. Once the address is removed from the suppression list, an admin should delete the Channel Metric record.

  • Marked_Spam_vod – The email was marked as spam by the recipient.
  • Dropped_vod – The delivery of the email failed. Generated automatically if there is a Bounced or Marked as Spam event.

The following additional event types are tracked by Vault when Vault documents in an Approved Email are viewed. These events are written into CRM during the Vault-CRM scheduled integration:

  • Viewed_vod – A document included in the email was viewed in Vault PromoMats
  • Downloaded_vod – A document included in the email was downloaded from Vault PromoMats

Some email clients do not track when a recipient clicks a link in an email. When this occurs, the event types tracked by Vault do not have corresponding opened or clicked events.

Additionally, the Event_Msg_vod field on the Email_Activity_vod object contains information about the event, including any applicable SMTP Error Codes.

Tracking Email Activity at the Email Fragment Level

End users and content admins can track activity from a fragment included in an Approved Email to gain further insight into what kind of content is accessed most frequently. The Approved_Document_vod field on the Email_Activity_vod object references the fragment responsible for the email activity.

For the Vault link, there is no content change required. For non-Vault links, Content Administrators need to add the {{AppDocId}} token to the <a> tag in the Email Template or Fragment to indicate which URL needs tracking.

For example: Example - <a href = "{{AppDocId}}"> Click Here. </a>.

If the AppDocId token is added to Vault links, the links are not accessible by users when previewing or editing the email.

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