Supporting MCCP Child Accounts
- iPad
- Browser
Interactions between users and accounts are based on the person at a particular location, which are represented by child accounts. To allow users to use conventional Person Account and Business Account record types, MCCP allows setting and editing Call goals for a Person Account at a particular location.
For example, Sarah Jones is assigned to Dr. Clinton Ackerman, who is aligned with both his private practice and Chilton Memorial Hospital. Sarah has other accounts to visit at Chilton Memorial Hospital, so her admin sets her MCCP goal to Dr. Ackerman’s account at Chilton Memorial.
This feature applies only to channels with a source object of Call2_vod, and requires the Call Report for Child Account feature enabled.
Configuring MCCP Child Account Support
- This feature applies only to channels with a source object of Call2_vod
- Enable the Call Reporting with Child Accounts feature
- Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality
To enable MCCP Child Account support:
Grant admin users the following permissions:
Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod
Grant MCCP integration users and MCCP end users the following permissions:
Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod
Grant all users the following permissions:
Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod
- Enable the Enable_Child_Account_vod Veeva Setting with a value of 1 for all users.
Do not place the Location_vod field on the MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod related list. The Location_vod value already displays in the Target column and is filterable when Child Account support is enabled.
Using MCCP Child Account Support
Several settings are in place to avoid potentially confusing display scenarios:
- The formula in the Parent_Child_Name_vod field on the MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod object can be modified to match the convention used in the Parent_Child_Name_vod field on the Child_Account_vod object. The Parent_Child_Name_vod field value is the Account Name users view in Veeva CRM. So users view consistent names in My Accounts, My Schedule, Call Report, and MCCP, the admin must ensure these formulas match.
- The formula in the Furigana_vod field on MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod object can be modified to match the convention used in the Parent_Child_Furigana_vod field on the Child_Account_vod object. Accounts are not sorted by the Account Name displayed in the UI. So users view consistent sorting between My Accounts, My Schedule, Call Report, and MCCP, the admin must ensure these formulas match.
Updating the Child_Account_vod or the Parent_Account_vod fields on the Child_Account_vod object can cause potential data integrity issues with the MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod records. The Child_Account_vod lookup on the object may not reflect the relationship between the Target_vod and Location_vod fields.
- When the Enable_Child_Account_vod Veeva Setting is enabled, users can load the MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod object with both the Target_vod and Location_vod fields populated, indicating the Child Account relationship. The trigger populates the Child_Account_vod lookup field based on the Target_vod and Location_vod values.
- Child Account target goals are set for other channel types, for example, Approved Email and Multichannel Activity, the Location does not factor into the MCCP calculations.
- Pull-through fields sourced from the Address_vod object for Child Account targets pull from the Location’s address. For example, the target is a person at a location. The address is based off the provided location and not the Person Account.
- On the Targets and Edit Goals tabs, the ENABLE_ACCOUNT_PARENT_DISPLAY_vod Veeva Setting is ignored. An Account Name as a person and a parent Account where the Parent Account is the location, ignores the setting and avoids a potentially confusing display.
The following activity goal types can be set for a Child Account Target on Call-based channels:
- MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod object:
- Channel_Activity_Goal_vod
- Channel_Activity_Goal_Max_vod
- Team_Channel_Activity_Goal_vod
- Team_Channel_Activity_Goal_Max_vod
- MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod object:
- Product_Activity_Goal_vod
- Product_Activity_Goal_Max_vod
- Team_Product_Activity_Goal_vod
- Team_Product_Activity_Goal_Max_vod