Call Reporting with Child Accounts

  • CRM Desktop (Mac (Sandbox Beta),Windows)
  • iPad

In some organizations, the relationship between the person account and business account is an integral part of the call that can affect other areas of CRM functionality (e.g., call planning and cycle plans). For these implementations, CRM must associate call records to both the person and location. Call reporting can use call location functionality to default the appropriate person account and location based on the entry point of the call and the child/parent account relationship between the person account and call location.

For example, Sarah Jones creates a call for Dr. Ackerman at Newton Memorial Hospital. The call location defaults to Newton Memorial Hospital based on the entry point of the call and the child/parent account relationship. The child account record identifying the relationship between Dr. Ackerman and Newton Memorial Hospital is maintained.


Configuring Call Reporting with Child Accounts

  1. Ensure the Enable_MySchedule_Call_Location_vod Veeva Setting check box is not selected.
  2. Ensure the Disable_Call_Location_None_vod Veeva Setting check box is selected. When enabled, this setting requires users to select a location value.
  3. Enable the Enable_Child_Account_vod Veeva Setting. When enabled, specific CRM activity is performed against the child account records instead of the account records.

  4. Ensure the zvod_Business_Account_vod field is on the appropriate Call2_vod page layouts.

  5. Ensure end users have the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Child_Account_vod
    • Child_Account_Id_vod
    • Location_Id_vod
    • Location_Name_vod





    • Parent_Child_Furigana_vod
    • Parent_Child_Name_vod


Using Call Reporting with Child Accounts

Call reporting with child accounts results in the following behaviors, depending on the account the call is created from, the call entry points, and existing section signals:




Child Account

The call report is created from My Account or My Schedule
  • Account defaults to person account
  • Location defaults to business account

The person account and business account fields are read only when the call is created from the child account.

The --paa section signal is on the Call page layout
  • Attendees default to person accounts where the location is the primary parent

Person Account

The call report is created from CLM, Call Objective, or Medical Inquiry
  • Account defaults to the person account and location defaults to the primary parent
  • If a primary parent does not exist it defaults to any parent

The location field is editable until the user saves the call.

The --paa section signal is on the Call page layout
  • Attendees default to all person accounts associated to the same parents as the person account on the call

Business Account

The call report is created from My Account, My Schedule, or CLM
  • The account defaults to the business account
  • Attendees default to all person accounts when the business account is the primary parent

If the Default Call Address None Veeva Setting check box is selected, the location defaults to none.

Adding Attendees for Calls Against Child Accounts

When a user searches for attendees on a call or uses the Default Attendee section of the call report, the search results display as the Parent Child Name of the associated child account record and are sorted by the Parent Child Furigana.

If there is more than one matching record, the record where the parent account matches the location or business account displays by default. Otherwise, the child account record whose parent account is the primary parent displays.

Each person account must only be added one time. If a user attempts to add an attendee already added at another location, an error message displays.

Stamping the Business Account on the Call

The value of the zvod_Business_Account_vod field automatically stamps on the Location_Text_vod field when the call is saved, signed, or submitted. This ensures the business account name is properly recorded at the time of the call, regardless of future changes.