Referencing Office Best Times for Accounts

  • Browser
  • iPad

To plan visits when HCPs are likely to be available, users capture and reference Office Best Times on the Address page layout. They are used by the Add to Schedule button for call schedule optimization and also display in My Schedule when calls are planned by dragging and dropping accounts on the grid.

For example, two of Sarah Jones’s accounts, Dr. Clinton Ackerman and Dr. Christine Beacher, are at Newton Memorial Hospital. She wants to conduct a joint call to detail Cholecap to both doctors. Sarah consults their Office Best Times to see when she can schedule meetings with both of them in the same time period.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Using Office Best Times for Accounts

To capture office best times for an account:

  1. Select the appropriate address record.
  2. Navigate to the Office Best Times section on the record.
  3. Select Edit (or for mobile users, the Edit icon) and enter the appropriate times.

Office Best Times display on the address record and are highlighted in My Schedule.

Data for Office Best Times is stored in the Best_Times_vod field on the Address_vod object. This field is not meant to be visible on the UI, and should not be used in the Reports module.

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