Adding Watermarks to Training Presentations

  • iPad

Customers can add and customize watermarks to CLM Key Messages to help end users distinguish between training and published presentations. This prevents users from accidentally displaying training content to HCPs.

Only presentations marked as Training display the watermark.

For example, Sarah Jones wants to display a presentation about Cholecap to Dr. Clinton Ackerman during a meeting. Since she was previously viewing the Training tab of her media library, the Training tab displays when Sarah navigates to her media library, but she does not notice and selects the Cholecap presentation. When the presentation displays in the media player, the training watermark informs Sarah that she has selected a training presentation, which cannot be displayed to Dr. Ackerman. She exits the presentation, navigates to the CLM Presentations tab, and selects the published Cholecap presentation.

Enabling Watermarks for Training Presentations

To enable training watermarks:

  1. Navigate to Veeva Messages.
  2. Populate the WATERMARK_TRAINING Veeva Message with the appropriate text for the watermark. The maximum text length for a watermark is 60 characters. By default, the text of this Veeva Message is blank. Watermarks do not display until this message is populated.
  3. Navigate to Custom Settings > Veeva Settings.
  4. Populate the WATERMARK_TRAINING_vod Veeva Setting with the WATERMARK_TRAINING Veeva Message. See Veeva Settings and Veeva Messages for more information on how to format Veeva Settings.

Displaying Watermarks for Training Presentations

If a user has access to a presentation marked Training, the watermark displays over the content when viewed.

To mark training presentations, see Using Training Presentations for more information.