Engage Meeting Users and Roles

Engage meeting has several different types of users, each of them with unique roles and responsibilities:

  • Administrator
  • Manages Engage licenses for users
  • Uses the Engage Meeting Administration tab to create user groups and configure settings for those groups
  • Manages the Attendance Report Process
  • Meeting Host
  • CRM user
  • Requires an Engage License
  • Responsible for scheduling the meeting and inviting attendees
  • Starts and hosts Engage meetings with attendees
  • Shares appropriate CLM content with attendees
  • Booking Agent
  • CRM user
  • Does not require an Engage License
  • Responsible for scheduling the meeting on behalf of the meeting host
  • Sends invitations to attendees or creates a task for the meeting host to do so
  • Does not host Engage meetings
  • Attendee
  • Joins the Engage meeting via the Engage Web Client or one of the Engage Attendee apps