Booking Agents

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Booking Agents are users who can schedule Engage meetings on behalf of Engage hosts. This enables the host to focus on the execution of an Engage meeting and leave the scheduling logistics to a dedicated scheduling user. Booking Agents do not require an Engage license. Instead, they schedule the Engage meeting using the host's license credentials.

If booking agents need to schedule more than 100 meetings per day, contact Veeva Support.

For example, Charles Levine is a Booking Agent responsible for scheduling calls for Sarah Jones. Sarah Jones wants to schedule an Engage meeting with Dr. Clinton Ackerman, so Charles Levine coordinates with Dr. Ackerman’s office to schedule an Engage meeting for Sarah.

Enabling Booking Agents

To enable Booking Agents:

  1. Enable Calendar Sharing.
  2. Enable the following Home Page features:

    • My Alerts
    • My Tasks
  3. Grant booking agents the following permissions:

    Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS



    • Alert_vod
    • User_vod




    • Activation_Date_vod
    • Alert_Text_vod
    • Dismissible_vod
    • Expiration_Date_vod
    • Link_Reference_vod
    • Priority_vod


    Call2_vod n/a n/a
    • Assigner_vod
    • Assignment_Datetime_vod
    • Cobrowse_URL_Participant_vod
    • Remote_Meeting_vod
    • Veeva_Remote_Meeting_Id_vod




    • Assigned_Host_vod
    • Description_vod (optional)
    • Meeting_Id_vod
    • Meeting_Name_vod
    • Meeting_Password_vod
    • Scheduled_vod
    • Scheduled_DateTime_vod





    • ActivityDate
    • Description (optional)
    • WhatId





    • Remote_Meeting_Host_Id_vod
    • Remote_Meeting_Host_Token_vod


  4. Grant meeting hosts the following permissions:

    Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS




    • ActivityDate
    • Description (optional)
    • Subject
    • WhatId


  5. Navigate to the REMOTE_MEETING_DEFAULT_RECORD_TYPE_vod Multichannel Setting.
  6. Define a Call2_vod record type to be used when scheduling an Engage meeting.
  7. Grant the booking agent access to the record type defined in the REMOTE_MEETING_DEFAULT_RECORD_TYPE_vod Multichannel Setting.
  8. Add a new section to the page layout associated with the record type defined in the REMOTE_MEETING_DEFAULT_RECORD_TYPE_vod Multichannel Setting.
  9. Add the zvod_Followup_vod field to the new section.
  10. Create a Preferences_vod record in the name each Booking Agent.

Enabling Approved Email for Booking Agents

Booking Agents can use Approved Email to send invitations to the Engage meeting.

To configure sending invitations using Approved Email, enable Approved Email Invitations in Engage with the Booking Agent as the end-user.

Scheduling Engage Meetings as a Booking Agent

Booking Agents can schedule remote meeting calls online on behalf of an Assigned Host:

  1. Search for the Assigned Host in the Shared Calendar menu within the My Schedule Tab.

    A video camera icon displays next to the user’s name if the user is configured to host Engage meetings.

  2. Create a call for the appropriate account.
  3. Select 1 on 1 Remote Meeting.

    1 on 1 Remote Meetings can only be created for Person Accounts.

  4. Select Setup Meeting.
  5. Populate the following fields:

    • Meeting_Name_vod on the Remote_Meeting_vod object
    • Call_Datetime_vod on the Call2_vod object
    • Duration_vod on the Call2_vod object
    • Description_vod on the Remote_Meeting_vod object (optional)

  6. Select the appropriate option for the Booking Agent to send invitations now or to create a task for the host to send invitations later.

Sending Invitations to an Engage Meeting as a Booking Agent

To send invitations now, select the I will send invites now option, then select the Send Invitations button.

Booking Agents can send invitations to attendees using one of the following methods:

  • Copy and send the Participant URL – Booking Agents can copy the attendee's Participant URL. The copied URL can then be emailed to the attendee.
  • Send the invitation via Approved Email – Using the Engage Invitations via Approved Email feature, booking agents can select an Approved Email template by selecting Send

An alert displays in the Assigned Host’s home page under My Alerts to notify a remote meeting is scheduled and invitations were sent.

Creating Email Invitation Tasks

To schedule a task for the Assigned Host to send invitations, select the Create task for Assigned Host to send invites later option, then select the Schedule button.

A task displays in the Assigned Host’s home page under the My Tasks section notifying them a remote meeting is scheduled and invitations need to be sent. This task also displays in the Follow-up Activities section of the scheduled remote meeting call.

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