CRM Mobile Application Home Page

  • iPad

The home page of the CRM mobile application provides a snapshot of actionable information that helps users shape their daily activities. It consists of a company logo, and a series of tiles that correspond to one of six components that can be added and positioned on the page.

Unique home page layouts can be assigned to profiles by creating new VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod page layouts and using Page Layout Assignment to associate them to a profile.

The login page and home page display a company logo. To supply a company logo, upload an image named vmobile-image-home.XXX to the images folder in the Documents tab where XXX represents the image file extension. For Medical CRM, upload an image named vmobile-image-medical.XXX. Supported file types are JPG, PNG and GIF.

GIF files do not animate.

Ensure the word offline is included as a keyword. The recommended size is 500px X 250px. If the image is a larger size or different aspect ratio, the app will scale the image to fit in the space while preserving its aspect ratio.

In the Lightning Experience, documents are uploaded as Salesforce Files. See Using Salesforce Files for more information.

My Alerts Component

The My Alerts component displays company-wide or targeted messages that inform the user of new sales data, sample transactions, formulary wins or other information.

This section also displays automatically-created content alerts and DCR status alerts, when enabled.

Types of Alerts

The My Alerts home page component can display the following types of alerts:

  • Company Alerts – User-created Alert_vod records with a selected Public_vod check box. These alerts display to all users.
  • Profile-specific Alerts – User-created Alert_vod records with an unselected Public_vod check box. These only display to profiles with Alert_Profile_vod records associated to the Alert_vod record.
  • Content Alerts – Automatically generated alerts that notify the user when new or updated CLM or Approved Email content is downloaded to the device.
  • The alert priority is always Normal and users cannot update the priority
  • The number of days a content alert displays for is controlled by the CONTENT_ALERT_MSG_NUM_DAYS_vod Veeva setting
  • CLM content alerts are generated when:
  • New CLM content is published to CRM
  • Presentation slides/key messages are added to, updated in, or removed from HQ (read-only) presentations
  • Presentation slides/key messages are added to or updated in custom presentations
  • Only CLM content alerts are supported on the iPhone platform.

  • DCR Alerts – Automatically generated alerts that notify the user when their submitted data change requests are processed by the data stewardship team
  • The number of days these alerts display is controlled by the DCR_ALERT_MSG_NUM_DAYS_vod Veeva setting
  • DCR alerts display under the following conditions:

    DCR External Status

    DCR Status

    Displays in My Alerts? 



















Configuring the My Alerts Component

To configure this component:

  1. Grant administrators the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Alert_Text_vod
    • Dismissable_vod
    • Activation_Date_vod
    • Expiration_Date_vod
    • Link_Reference_vod
    • Link_Reference_Long_vod
    • Priority_vod
    • Public_vod





    • Alert_vod
    • Dismissed_vod
    • External_ID_vod
    • Mobile_ID_vod





    • Alert_vod
    • Profile_vod
    • Profile_Name_vod


  2. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Alert_Text_vod
    • Activation_Date_vod
    • Dismissable_vod
    • Expiration_Date_vod
    • Link_Reference_vod
    • Link_Reference_Long_vod
    • Priority_vod
    • Public_vod





    • Alert_vod
    • Dismissed_vod
    • External_ID_vod
    • Mobile_ID_vod


    Alert_Profile_vod R n/a
    • Alert_vod
    • Profile_vod
    • Profile_Name_vod


  3. Grant the admins access to the following Visualforce pages:

    • Alert_Profile_NEW_vod
    • Alert_Profile_EDIT_vod
    • Alert_Profile_CLONE_vod
    • Alert_Profile_VIEW_vod
  4. Grant the admins access to the Vod_Embed_Controller Apex class.
  5. Grant admins access to the View Setup and Configuration Administrative Permission.
  6. Override the following buttons on the Alert_Profile_vod object with the indicated Visualforce page:

    • New with Alert_Profile_NEW_vod
    • Edit with Alert_Profile_EDIT_vod
    • Clone with Alert_Profile_CLONE_vod
    • View with Alert_Profile_VIEW_vod
  7. Add the zvod_alerts_vod field to the appropriate VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod object page layouts.
  8. Add the Profile_vod and Profile_Name_vod fields to the appropriate Alert_Profile_vod object page layouts.
  9. Activate VMOCs for the following objects for the appropriate device:

    • Alert_vod
    • Alert_Profile_vod
    • Alert_User_Action_vod
    • Approved_Document_vod
    • CLM_Presentation_vod
    • CLM_Presentation_Slide_vod
    • Data_Change_Request_vod
    • Data_Change_Request_Line_vod
    • Key_Message_vod
    • VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod

Creating Alerts

To create an individual alert, create an Alert_vod record and populate the following fields:

  • Name – The name that displays to users
  • Alert_Text_vod – The full text of the alert
  • Dismissable_vod – Select this check box if users should be allowed to dismiss the alert
  • Activation_Date_vod – The date and time when the alert can start being sent to user devices
  • Expiration_Date_vod – The date and time when the alert expires and is removed from the user’s view
  • Priority_vod – Select one of the following values:
  • Urgent – Displays to users in red
  • Important – Displays to users in yellow
  • Normal – Displays to users in blue
  • Link_Reference_vod – This field is optional and can be used to reference a web page, another record in CRM, or open another app. The link must use one of the following formats:
  • [Full URL],[Link Text] – When selected, the link directs users to the defined URL.

    For example,,Veeva Corporate Website displays to users as Veeva Corporate Website.

  • [Relative Salesforce URL],[Link Text] – Displays the corresponding page on the Browser platform. Users automatically authenticate when selecting these links and do not need to log back into the Browser platform.

    For example, /home/home.jsp,CRM Home displays to users as CRM Home and displays the home page of the Browser platform when selected.

  • [SFID],[Object API Name] – Navigates to the detail page for the referenced record. Prefacing the SFID with a / navigates to the same page on the Browser platform.

    For example, 001Z000000nPc2kIAC,Account navigates to the corresponding Account detail page, while /001Z000000nPc2kIAC,Account navigates to the same page in the Browser platform.

    The following objects cannot be referenced in this way:

  • Call2_vod
  • CLM_Presentation_vod
  • CLM_Presentation_Slide_vod
  • Survey_vod
  • Survey_Target_vod
  • Link_Reference_Long_vod – This optional field can be used if the link is too long for the Link_Reference_vod field. Do not populate both of these fields at the same time.
  • Public_vod – Select this check box if the alert should display to all users

To designate an alert for a specific profile:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Alert_vod record.
  2. Select New in the Alert Profile related list.
  3. Use the Profile_Name_vod picklist to select the appropriate profile.

  4. Select Save.

This process can be repeated to designate the alert to multiple profiles.

Additionally, admins can use the Push Notifications to send alerts to users via toast.

Call Objectives Component

The Call Objectives component displays a count of all objectives that passed their alert threshold. Selecting this component displays the list of current Call Objectives. Users can create a call report directly from the list of Call Objectives.

This component is not available on the iPhone platform.

Configuring the Call Objectives Component

To configure this component:

  1. Add the zvod_Call_Objectives_vod field to the appropriate VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod object page layouts.
  2. Enable the ENABLE_OFFLINE_CALL_OBJECTIVES_vod Veeva Setting.

My Tasks Component

The My Tasks component displays the user’s open tasks with a due date in the past, as well as tasks due within the next seven days. This component is static and cannot be removed from home page layouts.

This component is not available on the iPhone platform.

Some orgs may contain an existing VMOC record for the Task object that is of type Related To Top Level and is related to Call2_vod. In order to sync down standalone tasks, the VMOC must be updated to a type of Top Level, with a suggested WHERE clause of Where OwnerId = @@VOD_SF_USER_ID@@ AND Status != 'Completed' and ActivityDate <= NEXT_N_DAYS:14.

My Cycle Plan Component

The My Cycle Plan component displays the user’s progress for current and active classic cycle plans, including:

  • The number of planned calls, actual calls, and remaining calls
  • The percentage of calls achieved for the Cycle Plan
  • The ability to drill to the Cycle Plan detail page on the Browser platform

This component is not intended for use by managers, as it displays only a single user’s plan. Additionally, this component is not available on the iPhone platform.

Configuring the My Cycle Plan Component

To configure this component:

  1. Add the zvod_cycle_plan_vod field to the appropriate VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod object page layouts.
  2. Activate the following VMOCs:

    • Cycle_Plan_vod
    • Cycle_Plan_Detail_vod
    • Cycle_Plan_Target_vod

This procedure applies to Classic Cycle Plans. For information on enabling the My Plan icon for Multichannel Cycle Plans, see Working with the MCCP Interface.

Territory Adds & Drops Component

The Territory Adds & Drops component enables users to see recent changes to their territory based on Cycle Plan adjustments. It displays the number of accounts added or removed from the user’s local database.

This component is not available on the iPhone platform.

Configuring the Territory Adds & Drops Component

To configure this component:

  1. Add the zvod_terr_changes_vod field to the appropriate VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod object page layouts.
  2. Populate the MSG_HOME_TERR_DELTA_NUM_DAYS_vod Veeva Setting with the number of days composing the metric time frame. For example, a value of 5 displays all adds and drops that occurred within the past five days.

Multichannel Activity Alerts Component

Multichannel Activity Alerts notify the user when accounts in their territory engage in multichannel activities, for example, viewing Approved Emails or performing custom multichannel activities. Users can select this component to display the Multichannel Activity page, which displays the complete list of alerts.

This component is not available on the iPhone platform.

Multichannel Activity Alerts display with two levels of urgency based on the nature of the alert:

  • Urgent – Approved Email unsubscribes and bounces
  • Normal – Approved Email open, clicks, views, and downloads, as well as Engage site visits

Selecting the Multichannel Activity Alert displays the associated Sent_Email_vod record, though users can display the associated Account Detail page by selecting the account's name in the alert.

The text of the notification depends on the most recent email activity associated with the Sent_Email_vod record. Up to five older email activities are listed within the body of the alert. For example, if the recipient first opened the email, then downloaded a file from the email, the text of the alert would state that the recipient downloaded a file from the email. The text informing the user that the recipient also opened the email would display in the body of the alert.

Configuring the Multichannel Activity Alerts Component

To configure this component:

  1. Grant users FLS read permission to the zvod_mc_activity_vod field on the VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod object.
  2. Add the zvod_mc_activity field to the appropriate VMobile_Home_Page_Layout_vod object page layouts.
  3. Populate the Multichannel Activity Alert Duration Veeva Setting with the number of days the alert should display. A value of -1 disables alerts, while a value of 0 or an empty value causes the alerts to be removed with the next incremental sync.
  4. Activate the following VMOCs for the appropriate devices:

    • Sent_Email_vod
    • Email_Activity_vod
    • Multichannel_Activity_vod
    • Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod

Filtering Multichannel Activity Alerts

Users can filter which Multichannel Activity Alerts display on the CRM Home Page. Filtering allows users to view information relevant to specific product and activity types. From the Multichannel Activity page, select the filter icon to filter Multichannel Activity Alerts by Product or Activity Type or by both. Items with at least one alert display.

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