Restricting Call Channels

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop (Mac (Sandbox Beta),Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

To ensure users are only presented with compliant call channel options, admins can choose to disable the Email, Chat or Text, and/or Other call channels so they are not available for selection on the call report.

For example, Verteo BioPharma’s users are not allowed to use Chat or Text to interact with HCPs. Alice Adams, an admin, specifies the Chat or Text option as a restricted call channel. When Sarah Jones creates a call report and selects a call channel, she cannot select Chat or Text. Instead, she selects the Phone option and plans her phone call to Dr. Ackerman.


Configuring Restrictions on Call Channel Options

To restrict call channel options for iOS users, enter a double semicolon delimited list of the restricted options, without spaces, in the RESTRICTED_CALL_CHANNELS_vod Veeva Setting. The list must start and end with a set of double semicolons. For example: ;;Email_vod;;Message_vod;;

The text in the RESTRICTED_CALL_CHANNELS_vod Veeva Setting must exactly match the following call channel API names:

API Name

Picklist Label




Chat or Text



No other values are supported.

Configuring Restrictions for Browser Users

To restrict call channel options for Browser users, deactivate any of the following from the picklist values for the Call_Channel_vod field:

API Name

Picklist Label




Chat or Text



Deactivating or modifying any value in the Call_Channel_vod picklist other than Email_vod, Message_vod, or Other_vod is not supported. To maintain standardized, accurate data collection, all other picklist values are reactivated on a monthly basis.

Using Restrictions on Call Channel Options

Users cannot select restricted call channel options, which are displayed in gray, from any call channel entry point or from the Channel selector on the call report.

On the Browser platform, restricted call channel options do not display at all. The call channel picklist only displays active values.

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