• CRM Desktop (Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

Users can select message templates to send approved messages to HCPs with web links, allowing customers to control the messaging for users. Message templates are available when sharing web links for presentations and websites.

Configuring Message Templates

Admins can either manage message templates in Vault to use approval processes or data load message templates directly into CRM. To manage message templates in Vault, both Vault and CRM must be configured.

Configuring Message Templates in Vault

To configure message templates in Vault:

  1. Grant business admins at least Create and Edit object permissions for the following object types on the crm_message_template__v object:
    • manual_assign_content_template__v – used to create message documents that can only be assigned to specific documents
    • universal_content_template__v – used to create message templates that can be assigned to any document
  2. Grant business admins Edit field permission to the following fields on the crm_message_template__v object:
    • country__v
    • language__v
    • text__v
  3. Ensure the CRM Message Template Lifecycle is active.
  4. Add the crm_manually_assigned_content_template__v Shared Field to the Multichannel Presentation document type.

Configuring Message Templates in CRM

To configure message templates in CRM:

  1. Ensure Sharing CLM Content via Web Link or QR Code or Sharing Websites via Web Link or QR Code is configured.
  2. Grant CLM integration users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • CLM_Presentation_vod
    • Message_Template_vod




    • Manual_Assign_Content_Template_vod
    • Universal_Content_Template_vod
    • Language_vod
    • Message_Template_Id_vod
    • Message_Template_Text_vod
    • Status_vod
    • Vault_DNS_vod
    • Vault_External_Id_vod
    • Vault_GUID_vod
    • Vault_Last_Modified_Date_vod


  3. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • CLM_Presentation_vod
    • Message_Template_vod




    • Manual_Assign_Content_Template_vod
    • Universal_Content_Template_vod
    • Language_vod
    • Message_Template_Id_vod
    • Message_Template_Text_vod
    • Status_vod





    • Message_Content_vod
    • Message_Config_Values_vod


  4. Ensure all picklist values for the Status_vod field on the Message_Template_vod object are active for all record types.
  5. Activate VMOCs for the following objects for the appropriate platforms:
    • Message_Template_Content_vod
    • Message_Template_vod

Creating Message Templates in Vault

Business admins create crm_message_template__v records with the appropriate object type.

Admins can create two types of message templates, depending on which presentations can be sent with each template: universal content templates and manually assigned content templates.

For message templates available for use with all presentations, admins create crm_message_template__v with the universal_content_template__v object type.

For message templates only used with specific presentations, admins create crm_message_template__v records with the manual_assign_content_template__v object type and associate the templates with specific documents.

Populate the following fields on each crm_message_template__v record for both object types:

  • text__v - defines the message being sent
  • language__v - the language of the message
  • country__v - only used in Vault to help with security and content approval processes. This field is optional and does not sync to CRM.

Associating Message Templates with Presentations in Vault

Manually assign content templates to specific presentations to ensure the templates are only available for those presentations. Admins must populate the crm_manually_assigned_content_template__v field on the presentation document with the name of the crm_message_template__v record. Multiple message templates can be associated with the same presentation.

Managing the Message Template Lifecycle in Vault

Object lifecycles in Vault allow users to control a document’s stage, or state type, in a workflow, especially content review processes. The lifecycle of the crm_message_template__v object defines the state type of each message template. These state types in Vault are mapped to the Status_vod field on Message_Template_vod records in CRM to determine if a message template is available for users. It includes the following state types:

State Type in Vault

Status in CRM

Complete State


Obsolete State


All other state types, or states*


* These mappings are used regardless of the states assigned to each state type in Vault.

Syncing Message Templates from Vault

When message templates in Vault sync to CRM as part of the CLM integration, Message_Template_vod records with the corresponding record type (Manual_Assign_Content_Template_vod or Universal_Content_Template_vod) are created:

  • Message_Template_vod records with the Universal_Content_Template_vod record type are available for all content
  • For each Message_Template_vod record with the Manual_Assign_Content_Template_vod record type, a Message_Template_Content_vod record is created to associate the template with a specific CLM_Presentation_vod record. These message templates are only available to be used with the assigned content.

The Status_vod field on each Message_Template_vod record is updated during sync.

Sending Message Templates

When users share web links via QR code, message templates are not available. The QR code only represents the link to the content.

A message template is available for presentation or website when the Message_Template_vod record meets the following criteria:

  • The status is Approved

    Message templates with the Staged status are available for content reviewers.

  • The language matches the user’s language
  • The message template is assigned to the presentation or is a universal template

When users send web links for CLM content from a call, account, or the Media tab, the share modal displays with the available sharing options as well as the available message templates. Select the appropriate template, then select the sharing option.

When users send web links for CLM content from the Engage tab, only the message templates display. Select the appropriate template, then select Next.

The No Message option is available for users who do not want to include message text and is selected by default.

Selecting the Language for Message Templates

Users can switch languages using the language button. Only the languages with message templates available for the presentation display. The language button only displays when the presentation has message templates for more than one language.

If a template is not available in any language, only the sharing options display.

When sending web links via Engage chat, the preview of the message includes the message template.

Tracking Message Templates

When users send a link with a message template, the Message_Template_vod record and the full message text, including links, are stamped on the Sent_Message_vod record created to track the activity. See Sharing CLM Content via Web Link or QR Code and Tracking Website Links for more information about the data tracked for presentations and websites.

Message templates sent via Engage Chat are tracked in the Engage Connect reports. See Engage Connect Reports for more information. Additionally, chat messages with message templates can be imported into CRM as call records or chat messages. See Importing Engage Connect Chat Logs into CRM as Call Records and Importing Engage Connect Chat Logs into CRM as Chat Messages for more information.