Controlling Use of the Email Opt-In Action

  • iPad
  • Browser

By default, all Approved Email end users can capture opt-in consent. However, depending on the organization of the customer, admins can configure a group of users who are not able to send Approved Emails, but can capture and manage opt-in consent. This group of users are called consent users and they are solely responsible for the management of account opt-in consent, enabling end users of Approved Email to focus on the sending and composition of emails.

For example, Sarah Jones is an Approved Email end user and John Smith is a consent user. John is not able to send Approved Emails, but can capture opt-in consent for Dr. Clinton Ackerman. After John has captured Dr. Ackerman's consent, Sarah is able to send Dr. Ackerman emails about Cholecap.

Configuring Email Opt In for Consent Users

To enable a different group of users to capture opt-in consent:

  1. Remove either Create or Update access to the Multichannel_Consent_vod object from end users.

    End users must retain Read access to the Multichannel_Consent_vod object to use Approved Email.

  2. Grant consent users CRUD access to the Multichannel_Consent_vod object.