Creating Unverified Records

  • iPad
  • Browser

To maintain a clean CRM data set, Network data stewards review new record creation and existing record edits. Most of the time, the reviews take under 24 hours to return to the CRM system. However, sometimes the information is required immediately to record a Call report or to take other action and cannot wait for validation from a steward.

To address this issue, the integration between Veeva CRM and Veeva Network supports creating unverified records. The records are created simultaneously in Network and CRM and labeled as “under review”. Users can take action immediately on the Account or address. Data stewards can review the records at a later time and the reconciled data is pushed back into Veeva CRM.

For example, Sarah Jones meets Dr. Ackerman at a medical event and details Cholecap and Labrinone. She immediately creates a new Account to record the call, and submits it, allowing data stewards to review the record and reconcile the data.

Configuring Unverified Records

To enable this feature: 

  1. Change the Data Change Request Mode Veeva Setting to 2 in CRM.

    If Profile Specific Veeva Custom Settings is enabled, the Data Change Request Mode must be set to 2 for both admins and end users.

  2. Grant the user FLS edit permission to the Customer_Master_Status_vod fields on the Account, Address_vod, and Child_Account_vod objects.

    Create OLS is not required on the Account, Address_vod, and Child_Account_vod objects unless using a CRM managed account.

  3. Ensure the Create Unverified setting is enabled in Network.
  4. Grant end users Read access to all mapping objects.
  5. Grant integration users CRUD access to all mapping objects.
  6. Grant end users CRU access and integration users CRUD access to the following objects:

    • Data_Change_Request_vod
    • Data_Change_Request_Line_vod

Unverified record creation respects validation rules. If there is a validation rule violation when creating unverified records, an error occurs.

DCRs on unverified records are queued in Network for the data steward process. See the Network documentation for more information.

Creating Unverified Child Accounts

Users can create Unverified Child Accounts in the Parent Account Wizard or the Record Type Wizard. Users who make Calls on Business Accounts need unverified Child Accounts created and displayed in the Call Attendee section.

Unverified Child Accounts can also be created via the following:

  • Members related list
  • Members Of related list
  • Data Loader
  • Integration

To enable this feature: 

  1. Grant the integration user FLS edit permission to the Customer_Master_Status_vod field on the following objects

    • Account
    • Address_vod
    • Child_Account_vod

    This field does not need to be on the page layout. Picklist values include the following:

    • Valid_vod
    • Under_Review_vod
    • Rejected_vod
  2. Ensure there is an active VMOC entry for the Child_Account_vod object.

This feature is enabled by default and is available on the Online and iPad platforms.

Processing Unverified Records

When a user creates an Unverified Account or Address, data change request records are immediately created and sent to Network.

After the DCRs are sent to Network, Network will then:

  • Auto-match the user-created records with existing records - In this case, the master record is aligned and pushed down to the user for immediate use.
  • Flag as a suspected match - In this case, the user-submitted data is created as an “unverified” record in Network and is pushed back to the user for immediate use. A Data Steward reviews the user-submitted records and either rejects them, accepts them as new data, or merges them with existing records.
  • Created as new records - If no auto matches or suspected matches are found, the user-submitted data is created as an “unverified” record in Network, and is pushed back to the user for immediate use. A Data Steward reviews the user-submitted records and either rejects them, accepts them as new data, or merges them with existing records.

Post-Processing Reconciliation

  • Auto matches do not require any post-processing reconciliation as no new data is created
  • For suspected matches and net-new records, the Data Steward can either accept, reject, or merge the new data
  • If the Data Steward accepts new data, the record state in Network is changed to “valid” and pushed back to the Customer_Master_Status_vod field in CRM
  • If the Data Steward merges user-submitted records with existing records, CRM also performs a merge when the next subscription runs
  • If the Data Steward rejects user-submitted records, the behavior in CRM varies by object:
  • For Account records, rejected accounts have all territories removed, the Customer Master Status is set to “rejected”, and the owner is changed to the integration user
  • For Address records, the inactive flag is selected, the Customer Master Status is set to “rejected”, and the owner is changed to the integration user
  • For Child Account records, the user-submitted records are deleted

Creating Unverified Accounts by Record Type

  • iPad
  • Browser

Users can now create DCR Unverified records by Account record type. Different Account record types may have different permissions or restrictions in Veeva CRM, so this enables flexibility of specifying which Account record types can be created as Unverified while still requiring other accounts to go through the DCR approval process.

For example, Sarah Jones visits Dr. Clinton Ackerman, who has recently hired a new nurse and a new radiology technician. Sarah’s org has record types for both nurses and technicians. The Technician record type is configured to be unverified. She creates an account in CRM for the new technician and can immediately capture an email opt-in signature for the technician. However, the new account for the nurse must still go through the DCR approval process.

To enable this feature:

  1. Grant end-users and the integration user FLS edit permission to the Network_Create_Unverified_vod field on the Data_Change_Request_vod object.
  2. Populate the NETWORK_UNVERIFIED_ACCOUNT_TYPES_vod Network Setting with the Developer Name of the account record types in which countries can be unverified using the following format:

    <Account Record Type 1>:<List of Countries>;;<Account Record Type 2>:<List of Countries>;;

Use ALL for record types that can be unverified in all countries.

For example, the following defines in which countries the Professional and custom Nurse and Technician record types can be unverified records:


If the list of record types and countries exceeds 255 characters, populate the setting with a Veeva Message containing the appropriate information.

Account record types not included in this setting are processed with a DCR before the account is created in Network and CRM.