Changing Order Line Column Widths

  • CRM Desktop (Windows)
  • iPad

Admins can adjust column widths for the Order Lines fields on the Order_Line_vod page layout to ensure longer field labels are adequately displayed. Field labels can contain information to guide users on which products to sell.

The Product_vod field column width cannot be changed.

For example, an admin added a new column to the Order page for the Suggested Retail Price, information that can help users negotiate orders. Because the field label was long it did not fully display on the page. The admin adjusted the column width for that field so that the label displays fully on the Order Lines page for users.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Changing Order Line Column Widths

To change the width of a column:

  1. Enter a field pixel value in the text field of the OM_ORDER_LINE_COLUMN_WIDTH_vod Veeva message, in the Customer Editable Information section, using the following format:


    For example, Product_Identifier_vod__c:200. By default, columns are approximately 150px wide. Separate additional values with a comma (,). For example, Product_Identifier_vod__c:200,Product_Description_vod__c:250,Net_Price_vod__c:150

  2. Ensure the Active check box is selected.

  3. Select Save.

Updates to the width of any field applies to all Order_vod page layouts on which the field displays.