Grouping Sample Products

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  • iPad

To define a sample limit against a group of samples or promotional items, rather than against an individual item, admins can create a sample product group. In addition, sample product groups—also known as sample portfolios or sample bands—allow admins to organize sample products and promotional items in the Product Catalog, like they can for order-type products with product groups.

For example, due to sample regulations, Sarah Jones cannot disburse more than seventy samples of products from the same brand within the same week. Alice Adams, an admin, creates a sample group for each brand Sarah carries, then defines sample limits against the whole group. Sarah disburses samples in compliance with the applicable regulations. She can also view the products by brand grouping in her product catalog.

Configuring Sample Product Groups

Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality.

To enable sample product groups:

  1. Grant admins the following permissions:



    Record Types











    • End_Date_vod
    • Product_Group_Name_vod
    • Product_Catalog_vod
    • Product_vod
    • Start_Date_vod


  2. Grant users the following permissions:



    Record Types











    • End_Date_vod
    • Product_Group_Name_vod
    • Product_Catalog_vod
    • Product_vod
    • Start_Date_vod


  3. Add the Product_vod field to the appropriate Product_Group_vod page layout.
  4. Add the Product Groups (Product Catalog) related list to the appropriate Product_vod page layout.
  5. Edit the Product Groups (Product Catalog) related list and add the Product_vod field.
  6. Enable VMOCs for the following objects for the appropriate platforms:
  • Product_vod
  • Product_Group_vod

Creating Sample Product Groups

To create a sample product group:

  1. Select the Product Catalog tab.

  2. Select New.

  3. Enter a Product Name. This is the name of the new product group, for example, Diabetes Management.

  4. Select Sample Product Group for the Product Type.

  5. Select Save. The sample product group page displays.

Products can be associated to one sample product group, several sample product groups, or no sample product group at all. To associate a product to the sample product group:

  1. Navigate to the product details page of the new sample product group.
  2. Select New Sample Product Group in the product groups (Product Catalog) section.
  3. Enter a Sample Product Group name. This is a Salesforce record name and can be any value.
  4. Select the appropriate Product to link to the sample product group.
  5. Enter a Start Date and an End Date. The sample is part of the selected sample product group only within this defined time period.

  6. Select Save.

Sample product groups can only include the following product types:

  • Sample
  • BRC
  • Alternative Sample
  • Promotional Item
  • High Value Promotional Item

Using Sample Product Groups

Admins define sample limits and use sample limit templates for sample product groups (see Creating Sample and Product Limits for more information). Sample limit warning indicators also display on the call report when the per-group sample limit is reached.

Use sample product groups for sample products, BRCs, alternative samples, promotional items, and high value promotional items. Product groups can only include Order_vod product types.

Viewing Sample Product Groups

Users view the products in a sample group as an additional level of organization in the product catalog. To view the products in a sample product group:

  1. Select the Product Catalog tab.
  2. Select the appropriate record.
  3. Navigate to the Product Groups (Product Catalog) section of the record.

A list of the products included in the sample product group displays.

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