CLM Overview

Veeva's closed loop marketing (CLM) functionality allows commercial and medical reps to engage with HCPs and key opinion leaders using compelling visual content hosted in Veeva Vault. Users can display marketing or informational material during calls and track CLM activity for accounts, allowing marketers to gain insight into their targets and improve the content to maximize relevance and effectiveness.

Users can access the following directly from CLM:

Additionally, users hosting meetings from the CRM Engage app can present CLM content. See Engage CLM Content Creation Guidelines for more information. Users can also display CLM content directly from a call objective. See Using CLM Call Objectives for more information.

iPhone users can also view CLM in the CRM for iPhone app. This allows users to easily review the content in their media libraries and send links for content to HCPs from their iPhone devices at any time, leading to increased engagement with HCPs. See Supported CLM Functionality on CRM iPhone for more information the available CLM functionality on iPhone.

With CLM, the following users can perform the following tasks:

Content Creators

  • Creating Interactive Content – Using HTML, CSS, and Veeva’s multichannel JavaScript library, content creators can create reusable, compelling, and interactive content for end users to present during calls and events

Integration Users

  • Integrating Vault with CRM – The integration user can customize the connection between CRM and Veeva Vault, including mapping fields between the two systems, and manage the content available for end users and for testing

Content Admins

  • Managing CLM Content – Content admins can upload content to CRM via FTP or sync content from Veeva Vault, manage how content displays, and control which end users have access to the content. They can also test staged content in CRM using the same flow as an end user to ensure content functions correctly.
  • Tracking CLM Activity – Content admins can track activity tied to a CLM presentation, for example, related products, viewing duration of each slide, and reactions to key messages, and use that information to optimize content

End Users

  • Navigating the Media Library – End users can customize the organization of presentations in the media library to simplify navigation
  • Displaying Presentations – When displaying content, end users can interact with the media player and connect with other areas of CRM
  • Reporting on CLM – End users can view reports and dashboards to observe trends in CLM activity and improve future presentations