Creating Product-Specific Metric Configurations

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Brand managers can now associate existing product metrics, for example, Awareness or Growth, to specific products using metric configurations. This allows users to track unique targeted products.

For example, marketing users are collecting the segmentation for both Cholecap and Labrinone. The brand team for Cholecap uses the terms "No Interest," "Aware," and "Positive," but the brand team for Labrinone uses the terms "Growth," "Stagnant," and "Negative" to describe their segments. Users must select the appropriate segmentation terms for each brand.

Enabling Product-Specific Metric Configurations

To enable product-specific metric configurations, grant the following permissions for all users:

Object OLS Record Type Fields FLS
Metric_Configuration_vod Edit n/a
  • Product_vod
  • Available_Values_vod




  • Products_vod
  • Any field for the metric a user should be able to update

If Detail Groups are used:

  • Detail_Group_vod

For Product Metrics on Child Accounts:

  • Location_Parent_vod
  • Location_Child_vod
  • Location_vod


Using Product-Specific Metric Configurations

Brand managers associate an existing product metric to a specific product from Metric Configuration tab. They predefine the listed values of the product metric via the Available_Values_vod field and link the listed values via the Product_vod field to the specific product.

The allowed picklist values specified in the Available_Values_vod field must be semicolon delineated. For example, ;grow;maintain;

When populating product metrics for a specific product, users can view the filtered list of values relevant to that specific product. All other metric values do not display.

Product-specific metric configurations are supported for text and box picklists. For more information, see Product Metrics.

Dependent Picklists

Picklist dependencies between product metrics are now supported. If a picklist dependency is established on two fields on the Product Metric object (e.g. segment and journey step) via standard Salesforce configuration, the user must select a controlling value before selecting a dependent value. The dependent value is filtered in accordance with the dependency configuration. If Available Values is also set on the metric configuration for the dependent value, it is applied as a secondary filter.

Picklist dependencies are only supported when both the controlling and dependent fields are picklists; dependencies in which the controlling field is a check box are not currently supported by this feature.