MCCP Filtering in My Schedule

  • iPad

To easily utilize MCCP information when planning calls in My Schedule, users can filter the list of Accounts and Child Accounts displayed in My Schedule by MCCP attributes.

For example, Sarah Jones needs to view certain information about her target account. She can filter by the necessary information directly in My Schedule instead of sending the information to My Schedule through the My Plan tab.

MCCP filtering in My Schedule only supports Call2_vod channels.


Configuring MCCP Filtering in My Schedule

To enable filtering on MCCP attributes:

  1. Select the Enable_Adv_CycPln_Scheduling_vod Veeva Setting check box. This setting enables users to select display-by Cycle Plan attributes in the My Schedule account panel and enables retention of users' display preferences, if FLS to the Scheduler_Cycle_Plan_Display_vod field on the Preferences_vod object is granted.

    If the Enable_Adv_CycPln_Scheduling_vod Veeva Setting is not enabled, Cycle Plan metrics always display when there is an active Cycle Plan for the user, and the display-by functionality is set to Target > My Calls and cannot be changed.

  2. Add the appropriate fields to the comma-delimited list in the SCHEDULER_FILTER_vod Veeva Setting or the corresponding Veeva Message (depending on which is in use). Use the following format:
  • To filter on a field from the MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod object, enter MCCP_Target.[API field name]
  • To filter on a field from the MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod object, enter MCCP_Channel.[API field name]
  • To filter on a field from the MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod object, enter MCCP_Product.[API field name]

For example, MCCP_Target.Channel_Interactions_Goal_vod__c,MCCP_Product.Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c

Only the specified fields display. Default fields are not available for filtering on MCCP attributes in My Schedule.

For more information on custom filters in My Schedule, see Creating Custom My Schedule Filters.

Using MCCP Filtering in My Schedule

To filter accounts based on MCCP attributes:

  1. Select the filter icon at the top of the accounts panel.

  2. Select the Plan field under My Plan.
  3. Select the appropriate plan.

  4. Select the appropriate product and channel from the My Plan section.

    If the selected plan has only one associated channel, the Channel drop-down list defaults to the only available channel.

  5. Select Apply. Accounts in the list are filtered based on the selected attributes.

To clear filters and view an unfiltered list of accounts:

  1. Select the Clear button from the filter menu.
  2. Select Apply.


Filtering is only supported for the following field types:

  • Date
  • Date/Time
  • Check box
  • Currency
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Picklist

    For iPad users, multi-select picklists are not supported.

  • Text
  • URL

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