Customizing the Signature Page

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop (Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

Customers can customize the Medical Inquiry page to require a signature, display a company logo, or display disclaimer text.

Configuring Required Signatures

Customers can require users to always capture an HCP's signature before submitting a Medical Inquiry. This can reduce or eliminate inaccurate requests, misrepresentations, or other issues.

To require a signature on a Medical Inquiry, place the Signature_Date_vod field on the Medical_Inquiry_vod object page layout.

To remove the signature requirement, remove the Signature_Date_vod field from the Medical_Inquiry_vod object page layout. Signatures cannot be optional.

If this field is present on the Medical_Inquiry_vod object page, the Sign button displays when creating or editing a Medical Inquiry. The signature itself is stored in a Base64 encoded string in the Signature_vod field. The current date and time are stamped into the Signature_Date_vod field when the user accepts the signature.

When a signature is captured, the Delivery_Method_vod, delivery details, Account_vod, and Inquiry_Text_vod field values are locked on the record. If using the Multiple Product Inquiries configuration, the Product_vod field is also locked. Users cannot delete signed records.

Preventing Users from Recapturing a Signature

To prevent users from clearing a signature and changing Medical Inquiry details after an initial signature is captured, admins can enable the DISABLE_MI_SIGN_BUTTON_vod Veeva Setting. If this setting is enabled, the Sign button does not display on a Medical Inquiry after a signature has been accepted.

Adding a Logo to the Signature Page

Admins can add a company logo or other image to the Signature page for added visual interest or product placement.

To add an image to the Medical Inquiry signature page:

  1. Open the Documents tab.
  2. Select New.
  3. Enter 'vmobile-image' in the Document Name field.

    vmobile-image is used for all platforms, including Browser Lightning.

  4. Enter a unique name for the image in the Document Unique Name field.
  5. Select images from the Folder list.
  6. Enter 'offline' in the Keywords field.
  7. Select an image to upload. Supported file types are JPG, PNG and GIF.
  8. GIF files do not animate.

  9. Select Save.
  10. Ensure the Document VMOC is enabled for the appropriate offline platforms.

Adding Disclaimer Text

Disclaimer text can be added to the bottom of the page. This content is often recommended or required by a medical or pharmaceutical provider's legal department. Customers can add custom notices that specifically meet their needs.

To add disclaimer text:

  1. Open the DISCLAIMER message from the MEDICAL_INQUIRY category on the Veeva Messages tab.
  2. Select the Edit button.
  3. Deactivate the message.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select the Clone button.
  6. Make the cloned Veeva Message active.
  7. Enter a new External ID.
  8. Replace the default text with the desired disclaimer text in the Text field.

    Disclaimer text is limited to 1000 characters.

  9. Select Save.
  10. Ensure the zvod_Disclaimer_vod field is on the appropriate profile page layout.

The disclaimer text displayed to the MSL is stamped on the Disclaimer_vod field when the record is saved.

If a user has read access or higher to the Signature_Page_vod object and a VMOC for the Signature_Page_vod object, they must also have a Medical Inquiry-specific Signature Page Record or the Disclaimer text does not display.