Scheduling Calls in Scheduler View

  • iPad

For users who prefer to schedule calls by day, or who capture the Call Date instead of call datetime, Scheduler View enables users to quickly schedule calls for multiple accounts without selecting a specific time. Users block out account visits by day, instead of selecting a specific time to visit an account.

For example, Sarah Jones plans to be at Newton Memorial Hospital and A Center for Dermatology all day on Friday. She uses Scheduler view to quickly schedule a full set of calls for the day. When she visits each account, she edits the call report to reflect the appropriate time.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Using Scheduler View

To schedule a call in Scheduler View, select the block for the appropriate account and day. A call report is automatically created for the account and day, with a default time of 8 AM. Only calls and call warnings display in Scheduler View; time off territory, Salesforce standard events, and other calendar entries do not display.

Users can search and filter accounts from the accounts panel on the left side of the screen (see Viewing and Searching Accounts and Filtering Accounts in My Schedule for more information). If the user schedules a call while viewing a cycle plan, the corresponding Scheduled and Remaining call counts for the underlying Cycle Plan Target record are automatically updated.

Dependent picklists are not supported in the Call Scheduler filter.

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