Sampling Non-PDMA Regulated Products

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop ( Mac (Sandbox Beta), Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

Users can disburse non-PDMA product samples without capturing a signature or sample card number. Products not included in PDMA (Prescription Drug Marketing Act) regulations, for example, over the counter products, have less stringent requirements for sampling and HCP licensure. This functionality enables users to only record the information required for the type of product disbursed, while still using Samples Inventory, Samples Transactions, and all other Samples Management functionality.

For example, Sarah Jones disburses a sample of an over-the-counter version of Cholecap to Dr. Ackerman. Since the product is not PDMA-regulated, she does not need to capture a signature or sample card number and Dr. Ackerman’s license information does not need to be validated. Sarah records the sample and other call information, then submits the call report without capturing Dr. Ackerman’s signature.

License information is not required. Users do not need a value of Valid in the License_Valid_to_Sample_vod and Sample_Status_vod fields on the Address_vod object, unlike --nslns or --nsl sampling.

Configuring Sampling Non-PDMA Regulated Products

Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality.

To enable sampling for non-PDMA regulated products:

  1. Add the --npdma section signal to the section with the zvod_Samples_vod marker field on the appropriate Call2_vod page layouts.
  2. Remove the Sample_Card_vod and Signature_Date_vod fields from the appropriate page layouts on the Call2_vod object.

Sample Limits will only be enforced in Browser if the -- npdma section signal is used and a Sample Card number is not specified.

Default Lot Numbers for Sampling Non-PDMA Products

If a user has only one sample lot record for a specific product and non-PDMA sampling is enabled, the sample lot number field on the call report automatically defaults to the one available sample lot. This applies on the Browser platform under the following conditions:

  • The Sample_Card_vod and Signature_Date_vod fields are not on the Call Report page layout
  • The user has exactly one Sample_Lot_vod record for the selected sample

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