Displaying PowerPoint Presentations in CLM

  • CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows)
  • iPad

CLM presentations containing PowerPoint content launch in PowerPoint outside the CLM media player, while still using the media library. This allows users to maintain the animations and transitions of their PowerPoint presentations, while still ensuring the latest approved version of the presentation is available.

For example, Sarah Jones displays a PowerPoint presentation about Cholecap during a meeting with Dr. Clinton Ackerman. When she selects the presentation from her media library, it displays in the external PowerPoint application on her device, maintaining the formatting and transitions of the presentation.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.


  • The PowerPoint application must be installed on user devices
  • PowerPoint presentations are not supported as sub-presentations
  • To allow Engage hosts to share presentations in PowerPoint on iPad, Host Screen Sharing on the iPad must be enabled
  • To allow Engage hosts to share presentations in PowerPoint on CRM Desktop, the Start Meeting from CRM Online – Disable Desktop Sharing Group Meeting Permission must not be enabled
  • On CRM Desktop, using gotoSlide to launch a presentation in PowerPoint is not supported

Packaging PowerPoint Presentations for CLM

Presentations must be packaged as single slide presentations in Vault using the Create Presentation functionality or via auto-publishing with the CRM Rendition Setting set to PowerPoint Presentation.

PowerPoint content is created correctly when the following conditions are met:

  • The media zip file contains <document name>.pptx, poster.png, and thumb.png
  • The PowerPoint key message is the only key message within the CLM Presentation

Launching PowerPoint Presentations from iPad and Windows

When a PowerPoint presentation is available on a user’s device, it displays in the media library with a PowerPoint logo on the presentation thumbnail. Selecting the presentation displays the title slide within the CLM player, then:

  • On iPad, the iOS Open With dialogue displays. The Copy to PowerPoint option is available if the PowerPoint app is installed on the user’s device.

  • On Windows, the presentation displays based on the device’s Default Apps settings

On both platforms, once the presentation is selected from the media library, the corresponding key message is tracked. See Tracking CLM Key Messages for more information.

In addition to the media library, users can access PowerPoint content from the following areas:

PowerPoint presentations are not supported in sub-presentations or custom presentations.

Launching PowerPoint Presentations from Veeva CRM on Desktop

To launch a presentation from Veeva CRM on Desktop in PowerPoint:

  1. Launch Veeva CRM on Desktop.
  2. Download the appropriate PowerPoint presentation. When a PowerPoint presentation is available on a user’s device, it displays in the media library with a PowerPoint logo on the presentation thumbnail.
  3. Select the presentation.
  4. Select Open.

Users can launch multiple presentations in PowerPoint at once.

Sharing PowerPoint Presentations in Engage

To share the content displayed in the PowerPoint application in an Engage meeting, users must start the slide show in PowerPoint before sharing their screen since the slide show displays in a separate window from the PowerPoint application:

  1. Start the Engage meeting.
  2. Download the appropriate PowerPoint presentation in the CLM media library. When a PowerPoint presentation is available on a user’s device, it displays in the media library with a PowerPoint logo on the presentation thumbnail.
  3. Select the presentation.
  4. Select Share to launch the presentation in PowerPoint.

Tracking PowerPoint Presentations on the Call Report

PowerPoint presentations launched from the Veeva CRM app on Desktop during an Engage meeting or a call are tracked on the same Call2_Key_Message_vod record. The record tracks which presentations were launched. Presentation slides are not tracked. Duration of the key message is not tracked and by default the Duration_vod field is populated with the value 3 seconds.