Sending Microsoft Teams Meeting Invitations via Approved Email

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop (Windows)
  • iPad

With Approved Email, users can send meeting invitations to up to 50 Microsoft Teams meeting attendees at once. Approved Email templates used as Microsoft Teams meeting invitations contain meeting information and attendee-specific URLs that attendees use to join the Microsoft Teams meeting. Approved Email templates and tokens ensure that all of the important details, for example, the date and time, meeting URL, and password (if enabled) are included in the email.

Users on CRM Desktop (Windows) can also schedule Microsoft Teams meetings from within a High Performance Call Report and send emails to HCPs with the meeting details, using Approved Email.

Configuring Approved Email Invitations for Microsoft Teams Meetings

To configure this feature:

  1. Ensure the following configuration is complete:
  2. Grant admins and integration users access to the Microsoft_Teams_Meeting_Invite_vod record type on the Approved_Document_vod object.
  3. Grant end users access to the Microsoft_Teams_Meeting_Invite_vod record type on the Sent_Email_vod object.
  4. Ensure the Engage Custom Setting ENGAGE_LINK_APPS_vod contains ApprovedEmail.

  5. Ensure the Disabled Approved Email Entry Points Approved Email setting does not contain Microsoft_Teams_Meeting_Invite_vod.

  6. Grant Read access to at least one Approved Document with a Microsoft_Teams_Meeting_Invite_vod record type.

  7. Create an Approved Email template with the following object reference token to enable users to share Microsoft Teams meeting links using Approved Email:


  8. Enable the following picklist values for the Remote_Meeting_Invite_Link_vod record type on the Sent_Message_vod object:

    • Enable the Engage_Chat_vod picklist value for the Sent_Via_vod field
    • Enable the MS_Teams_Join_URL_vod picklist value for the Transaction_Type_vod field

Sending Microsoft Teams invitations to attendees ignores Approved Email Consent rules by default unless the Set Consent at the Email Template Level feature is enabled.

Creating an Approved Email Invite Template

Content Creators must create an Approved Email template before users can send meeting invites. Follow the guidelines below when creating an Approved Email invite template for Microsoft Teams meetings in PromoMats/MedComms.

  • Set the template type to ms_teams_template__v
  • Email templates should include the following tokens:
  • Meeting Datetime - {{parentCallDatetime}}
  • Meeting URL - {{Call2_vod__c.MS_Teams_Remote_Meeting_vod__r.MS_Teams_Meeting_Link_vod__c}}

Adding the tokens above to the template automatically populates key meeting details, including date, time, and joining instructions. Other tokens in the template personalize the message to the recipient.

Sending Microsoft Teams Meeting Invitations via Approved Email

To invite users to a Microsoft Teams meeting using Approved Email:

  1. Select the Send Invite button on the call report.
  2. Select Email in the share modal (iPad) or from the dropdown menu (Browser).

  3. Select an Approved Email template for the invite. If only one template is available, the template displays by default.

    The Recipients field is populated with all account call attendees. User attendees are not included. If Group Emails is enabled, the business account on the call displays as a recipient.

  4. Send the Approved Email invite.

A sent email record is created to track engagement and store the details of the invite.

Approved Email meeting invites do not count against the Threshold value for Sent Email.

Invitations do not send to business accounts.

In addition to standard call reports, users can schedule MS Teams meetings from within High Performance Call Reports, and invite HCPs to the meetings using Approved Email.

To share a meeting invite from a high performance call report, select the Share Invite button.

Adding a Calendar Reminder to a Microsoft Teams Meeting Invitation

Approved Email content creators can add a calendar reminder to a Microsoft Teams meeting invitation.

Calendar reminders can be added to a Microsoft Teams meeting invitation by adding the {{addToCalendar}} token anywhere in the Email Template. This token generates an .ICS (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling) file that attaches to the Microsoft Teams meeting email invitation.

Veeva recommends providing instructions in the Email Template about opening the attached .ICS file and adding the event to their calendar.

Using .ICS Attachments in Approved Email Invitations

The .ICS attachment is generated automatically when a user sends an Approved Email for a Microsoft Teams meeting. The information in the file is generated from the following fields:

  • Meeting Title – Call2_vod__c.MS_Teams_Remote_Meeting_vod__r.Meeting_Name_vod__c
  • Meeting Start Time – Call_Datetime_vod field on the Call2_vod object
  • Meeting Duration – Duration_vod field on the Call2_vod object. If null, then 30 minutes is the default.
  • Meeting Location – Call2_vod.MS_Teams_Remote_Meeting_vod__r.MS_Teams_Meeting_Link_vod__c
  • Meeting Description – Call2_vod.MS_Teams_Remote_Meeting_vod__r.MS_Teams_Meeting_Link_vod__c

By default, the calendar reminder is set to alert the recipient ten minutes before the start of the meeting.

Updates to existing calendar invitations are not supported.

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