Creating Custom Channels

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Consent admins can define custom channels for end users to capture consent for channels outside of Veeva CRM, for example, SMS, portal, or marketing campaigns. Unlike Veeva channels, consent captured for custom channels is not enforced within Veeva CRM. Customers should integrate consent captured in CRM with their external channels.

To define a custom channel, IT admins should create matching record types on the Consent_Type_vod and Multichannel_Consent_vod objects.

  1. Navigate to the Consent_Type_vod object.
  2. Navigate to Record Types.
  3. Select New.
  4. Enter the Record Type Label and Record Type Name.
  5. Select the Active check box.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Enable the record type for the consent admin and end user profiles.
  8. Navigate to the Multichannel_Consent_vod object.
  9. Navigate to Record Types.
  10. Select New.
  11. Enter the same Record Type Label and Record Type Name you entered for the Consent_Type_vod record type.
  12. Select the Active check box.
  13. Select Save.
  14. Enable the record type for the consent admin and end user profiles.

To define consent type records for custom channels, see Creating Consent Types.